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Mom's Manual Day #11

Sharing is caring!

DAY ELEVEN– You remember that we should spend 15 mins per day cleaning our zone… at the end of the week your zone/focus area should be nice and clean. But, you may need to do some major decluttering first. OK, let us get our lists going.

Zone work is that deep cleaning stuff:


Window Sills

Wash Linens

Shampoo Carpets or spot clean them


Fan Blades


Door Frames


Go into the following rooms:

Kid’s Bedroom – if you have lots of bonus rooms, it might be a good idea to separate the playroom into week 5, also.

Put each room on its own sheet of paper and look around, what all needs doing in these rooms? Make your list – this is Zone/Focus #5 The fifth week of the month gets devoted to this area.

Sharing is caring!