Homemaker Tips and Tricks | Getting Organized | Homemaker Handbook Week Six: Redo and Refresh!

Homemaker Handbook Week Six: Redo and Refresh!

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Everyone will learn something from these cleaning tips and tricks!


On week six of the Homemaker Handbook Series, we are going to take a step back.  I don’t want anyone overwhelmed with their new-found clean out or organized schedule.  So, now that we have cleaned the main common rooms, let’s make a plan to keep them clean before we move on to the rest of the house.  Okay?

Are you just now finding this series?

Week One: A Starting Point With a Printable

Week Two: Tackling Bathrooms

Week Three: In The Kitchen Part 1

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Week Four: In The Kitchen Part 2

Week Five: The Family Room

Honestly, there isn’t a whole lot of instruction for this day.  I have made a printable for you for you to print out and use.

The items on this to do list should only take about 30 minutes during your day.  If they take longer then you have too much on your list.  Remember, if you work outside the home you can split these tasks through the day!

Get your dailies printable to do sheet here!

More Homemaker Resources:

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  1. I like the series. It would be even more wonderful as a package to give to the young adults heading out on their own – getting life under control is not easy for them. However that would mean you would need to create a gender neural version (the guys do not understand that homemaker does not need to be a gender specific title. Just a suggestion for another wonderful package

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