In The Kitchen | Menu Planning | Back to School Menu Planning Printable

Back to School Menu Planning Printable

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The older I get, the faster the year goes!  My baby boy will be entering high school this year and the rest of my guys are full-on adults!  Where did their childhoods disappear to!?  Anyway, this isn’t a post reminiscing about days gone by. LOL!

So, I have to prepare.  That means getting back to menu planning and starting the school year off right.  This Back to School Menu Planning Printable will not only help me during a busy school year, but you as well!

Back to School Menu Planning Printable

As we are gearing up for a super busy year, I know that I have to feed these growing boys and that even though I am home all day with zero kids, my life is hectic.  Without a plan in pace, we are going to be eating frozen pizzas and Mickey D’s most nights!  I can’t have that!  This will most likely be the last year that I have all of my boys home with me.  I don’t want to waste it in the drive-though.  I want dinner together at my 11-foot dining table as often as possible.

Be sure to print out your coupons this week!  Remember, you should be able to print them twice.

I already mentioned that menu planning is a huge stress reliever for me.  But, do you know all the reasons that YOU should meal plan?

In addition to being a stress reliever, planning out exactly what you will eat each night can save time and money.  Plus, it keeps you from always going to the same meals day after day!

Here are a few of my favorite article for meal planning tips:

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Ok, on to my menu planning ideas for this week:

Back to School Meal Plan:

As you can see, we don’t cook every single night at our house.  We just don’t have time!  However, we make enough that leftovers can always be a big thing.

Monday: Leftover Manwiches

TuesdayKelli’s Spaghetti

Wednesday: Leftovers

Thursday: Easy Italian Meatloaf & Potatoes and Cheese

Friday: Crockpot Taco Soup

Looking for more weekly meal plans?  You can find plenty of recipes as well as a free menu planning sheet on my kid friendly recipes page!

Be sure to also check out my Back to School Must Have Supplies List!

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  1. Meal planning helps my family to eat healthier and avoid going out to eat at restaurants. I need to do it more often. Pinned your cute printable. We are so happy you linked up with us at the #HomeMattersParty this week!

  2. Such a useful tool for busy mums. Thanks for sharing at #overthemoon and have a lovely week.

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