Celebrate Everyday | Baby Shower Ideas | How to Host a Baby Shower

How to Host a Baby Shower

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If you’ve ever had the opportunity to plan a baby shower before, then you truly know how fun and exciting it can be. Choosing colors, themes, and games is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to finding out how to host a baby shower that rocks. 

Throwing a baby shower is actually quite a bit of fun. You get to pick out the food, the decorations, invite the guests and get everything prepared and ready for the soon to be momma and the upcoming bundle of joy. A baby shower is a time to celebrate and get excited about new life being introduced into this world.

step by step baby shower hosting guidelines

Don’t miss out on celebrating this amazing day with your close friends and family. (Plus, look at all these baby shower decoration ideas as well!) After all, you’re anxiously awaiting the guest of honor to arrive. Have some fun with some gift opening and shower guests! 

Make sure to check out my options for a gender neutral baby shower!

How to throw a baby shower

Throwing a baby shower doesn’t have to be difficult. With just a few simple tips, you’ll be set to throw a baby shower that’ll be one for the memory bank. (in fact, you’ll learn so much you can probably teach all your other mom friends how to host a shower as well!) It’s so much more than just picking a shower theme and winging it! It takes a bit of planning, too! 

how to host a baby shower

Talk to the Mom.

Talk to the mom to be and get her thoughts and wants for the shower. Find out the color scheme for the nursery, the name and/or sex of the baby and if she has some sort of theme in her mind about what she envisions for her nursery. After all, the entire day and baby shower are all about her and her baby!

Even if she isn’t hosting or helping to plan, it’s important to get her thoughts, opinions and wants. You enver truly know what baby items she’s going to need if you don’t take the time to ask. How will you know if she needs a car seat or anything like that?! Those items are important! 

Choose a Venue.

What type of baby shower are you planning on hosting? If it’s more casual, having it at someone’s house is always a great idea. If you are looking to make it a more formal event, you may need to start searching for a venue to hold a lot of people!

Plan out the guest list.

Just how big is the baby shower going to be? Is it going to be women only or will you open it up to couples? In order to prepare successfully, you need to know how many people may be attending. Write out the guest list and do a quick estimation on headcount. Don’t forget to include any kids that may be attending as well! You’ll need to know all these important details to order food, drinks, and prizes!

tips for hosting a memorable baby shower

Games or No Games?

Decide if you’re going to have any games at the shower. Some moms want them, while others don’t. (and don’t worry, the opinion of the friend or family members on this one don’t matter!) Trying to embarrass the soon to be mom at her baby shower isn’t always the best idea, so if she doesn’t want to play games, don’t try to plan any behind her back! 

Don’t forget the Themed Food!

Enjoy the process of planning the food. When it comes to putting on a baby shower, food is life! Cakes, cupcakes, fruit, and veggies are always a great choice. Remember to have plenty of food options on hand to feed all of the guests that took time out of their day to spend at the baby shower. 

And if you’re stuck on good, make it a potluck theme where every guest brings a dish!

Send the invitations.

The sooner that you can send out the baby shower invitations to the baby shower, the better. 6 weeks minimum is always a good idea as it gives everyone just enough time without overwhelming them. Don’t forget to include the date, time and location on the invites as well as where the mom has registered. The more info that you can provide, the fewer questions that everyone will ask. And most importantly, don’t forget to have people RSVP! Without a final headcount, things could get a little chaotic.

Last, but not least, have fun with the baby shower planning process. The entire point of the day is to be happy and exciting about the upcoming birth. While there may be hiccups that occur along the way, don’t fret! Not every detail has to be perfect, but if you do your best to plan ahead, the baby shower will end up as it was meant to be. Full of love and support from friends and family. And isn’t that what it’s all about?

how to plan and host an amazing baby shwoer

More Baby Shower Ideas and Finger Food To Serve:

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