Educating Our Children | 21 Fun Things for Kids to Eat This Summer!

21 Fun Things for Kids to Eat This Summer!

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Summer is here and the boys are raiding the kitchen! Do have have this same problem? They are growing right! We are hard at work coordinating some super awesome summer snack ideas for the kiddos. These recipes are so easy that they can even help! Make an activity out of it and enjoy the snack! Are you on the hunt for some awesome and easy snack ideas for your kids? Check out this list of 21 Fun Things for Kids to Eat This Summer!

Yummy Kids Snack Ideas

Fun Things for Kids to Eat This Summer (Yummy Kid’s Snack Ideas):

There are so many fun things for kids to eat, but this list of 21 is a list of my favorites!  From Bento boxes to ice creams.  From Letter of the week ideas to making your own graham crackers.  This list is sure to keep the kids taste buds happy all summer long!

Collage of images showcasing fun things for kids to eat this summer, like apple cupcakes, monster mouth snacks, peanut butter cup rice crispy treats, and a yogurt popsicle. Text reads Fun Summer Snacks For Kids.

Fun Summer Snack Ideas for Kids:

1.   Create your own little airplane with this A is for airplane snack. – Crystal & Co

2.  Who wouldn’t love these Butterfly Snacks that are perfect for on the go! – Juggling with Kids

3.  These Cucumber and Hummus Cupcakes change up the traditional look and taste to a healthy one. – Creative Kids Snacks

4. Take your favorite fruits along in a B is for Butterfly Snack on the go. – Crystal & Co

5. Create your own Homemade Graham Crackers and even make them fun shapes! – One Sweet Appetite

6. These Very Berry Yogurt Ice Pops are super easy to make and the perfect afternoon treat. – Flour on My Face

7. You can get those veggies in with these Carrot Balls that are sweet! – Kids Activities Blog

8.  Your kids are gonna love these sweet and yummy Peanut Butter Cup Rice Crispy Treats. 3 Boys and a Dog

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9. This super easy Tree Snack for kids lets them play with their food! – Fantastic Fun and Learning

10. The creative options are endless with these Easy Jello Gummies for a Kids Snacks. – Crafty Morning

11. Make these Monster Mouth Snacks for kids and they will love them. – My Life and Kids

12.  This Raspberry Jello Cake is super yummy and perfect for the summer! – Buteau Full Chaos

13.  This Easy Strawberry Pie is created in a mini version and super easy for the kids to make. –Long Wait For Isabella

14.  Check out these sweet Strawberry Lemon Poke Cupcakes that have just enough fruit flavor. – Long Wait For Isabella

Great Summer Lunches for Kids:

Collage titled Yummy Summer Lunch Ideas featuring a decorated sandwich with cheese, pasta salad, fruit skewers, wraps, creative fruit plates, and an apple slice sandwich with peanut butter—a delightful collection of fun things for kids to eat this summer.

1.  This Butterfly Bento Lunch is a perfect throw together healthy lunch for kids. – 3 Boys and a Dog

2.  These Quesadilla Teepees are the perfect play with your food option for lunchtime! – Maker, Baker, Glitter Shaker

3.  This collection of meals include lots of ideas for What to have for lunch. –  Kids Activities Blog

4.  These Summer Lunch Ideas are fun, quick and no headache required! – Life as Mom 

5.  Change up traditional lunchtime and make it experimental by using Food Science Fun. – House Full of Chaos

6. There are tons of operations available with Operation Awesome Lunch Ideas For Kids. – Crazy Adventures in Parenting

7. Check out this awesome New Way to Make PB&J that your kids will love! – One Sweet Appetite

There you go!  I hope you enjoy them!  I know that I gave you a ton of links, but personally I love having all that info in one spot.  I can pin or bookmark one simple page and easily find everything I am looking for.  What are your thoughts?

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  1. Is it wrong I would totally eat some of these myself?! Pinning this, and no, I don’t have any kids yet! Lol! Thanks very much for sharing at the Living with Style linky party. I hope you will come back and share again this week!

  2. Thanks for sharing our projects on your blog! How fun! Thanks much. We will pin and share on Facebook. Susie @Bowdabra

  3. Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for sharing my goodies in your round up! So excited! I will be sharing this in my social media sites! xoxo

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