Educating Our Children | We’re Going Camping!

We’re Going Camping!

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Have you headed out to the woods this summer yet?  As school quickly approaches, many families are making plans for that last minute get-away.  My three year old daughter has been asking to go camping, but what she really wants to do is go for a walk in the woods and have a camp fire!    We did have a little fire the other day and roasted some marshmallows.

Campfire and Marshmallows July  (7)

The kids had a great time eating marshmallows, and of course, have been asking for more.  We don’t always have time to build up a fire, but I did find these FROZEN s’more treats that are perfect for a hot summer day!

If you’re headed out to the woods, be sure to get a little learning done  by picking up Children’s Books About Camping.   We’ve been reading Autumn Leaves by Ken Robbins, which is filled with great pictures of leaves.   Have the kids gather up some leaves and identify them using this book.

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If you’ve got younger kids, grab the book Leaves! Leaves! Leaves! by Nancy Wallace.   In this book, Buddy Bear takes a leaf walk in all four seasons, observing trees and leaves and how they change and develop.  You may think that the book is too complex for little ones, but my preschool group loved the book Seeds! Seeds! Seeds!, also by Nancy Wallace.

If you can’t make it out to the woods, you could build your own campfire in the living room with this cute craft from Spoonful.   You can find more ideas on the 25 Crafts for Boy and Girl Scouts Post.  You could also spend a night in your own backyard with this 4 Person Tent by Ozark!


Looking For Some More Fun?

Here’s a few great posts I found about Family Camping!

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