Educating Our Children | Donkey Crafts and Activities for Kids

Donkey Crafts and Activities for Kids

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When you’re learning about farms with young children, one of the best ways to make sure they learn the concept is to focus on the farm animals! After all, kids of all ages love animals! And what better way to study these creatures than with hands-on crafts and activities! This is a fun addition to our Farm Animals Unit Study!

This list of donkey crafts and activities for kids features printable donkey-themed lessons, adorable donkey crafts, and donkey-themed games you can play with your little ones! Be sure to add some great kids’ books about donkeys too!

Round out your farm unit with this fun and free printable Find the Letter: C is for Chick activity!

Donkey Crafts and Activities for Kids

Donkey Crafts and Activities for Kids:

Donkey Crafts and Activities for Kids

Use these to make fun of donkey crafts with the kids!

Fun Donkey Crafts and Activities

Donkey Crafts and Activities

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Which of these cute donkey crafts and activities do you plan to try first?

Farm Animals Unit Study Resources:

Enhance Your Farm Animals Unit Study:

Looking for more fun items to help you in teaching your kids about the Alphabet? Check out my top affiliate picks from Amazon!

At the Farm Books for Kids

  1. A Day at the Farm: A Book of ABCs
  2. Baby at the Farm: A Touch-and-Feel Book
  3. The Year At Maple Hill Farm

Educational Farm Goodies for Kids

  1. LEGO DUPLO Farm Building Set
  2. 10Pcs Story Time Finger Puppets
  3. At The Farm Playset

I also love these little stuffed animal chicks from Etsy. How fun are they?

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  1. What a fun collection of crafts and activities. I am so charmed by the paper plate donkey craft. Congrats, you’re featured this week at the This Is How We Roll Link Party.

  2. My grandchildren and I have a Loving Family dollhouse which we have now expanded to include horses, cows, and chickens complete with the barn, chicken coup and cowshed. Thank you for your farm ideas that we can use to expand our farming knowledge and just have some fun with!

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