Educating Our Children | Farm Animals Find the Letter C is for Chick

Farm Animals Find the Letter C is for Chick

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These Find the Letter Printables: C is for Chick will help your preschool and early-elementary aged children work on recognizing the letter C among many other letters of the alphabet. 

Find the Letter C is for Chick AT The Farm Unit Study

This Farm themed worksheet is a perfect extra for your reading preparedness studies! This is such a great Farm Animals Unit Study.

Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing some free Farm Animals Find the Letter Printables and other resources to help you teach your children learn all about the Alphabet in a Fun At The Farm theme.  I hope you find these homeschooling freebies useful for you in your homeschool adventures.

You can have the kids learn shapes by putting a circle around the capital ‘C’ and a square around the Lower Case ‘c’.  They could use different colors: for example, green around the “big C” and blue around the “little c”.  You could also grab a set of Do A Dot Art Markers (affiliate link), so they can just dab over the right letters!  However you decide to use these sheets, they are a simple way to reinforce alphabet recognition!

Shop My Alphabet Printables

Here are some other great learning resources that are in my shop. More alphabet learning fun!

Farm Animals Unit Study Resources:

Did you know that Chickens are actually pretty smart?  According to

Chickens have a great memory. They can distinguish between over 100 different faces of people or animals.

c is for chick letter find worksheets

More FREE Find the Letter Resources:

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Enhance Your Farm Animals Unit Study:

Looking for more fun items to help you in teaching your kids about the Alphabet? Check out my top affiliate picks from Amazon!

At the Farm Books for Kids

  1. A Day at the Farm: A Book of ABCs
  2. Baby at the Farm: A Touch-and-Feel Book
  3. The Year At Maple Hill Farm

Educational Farm Goodies for Kids

I also love these little stuffed animal chicks from Etsy.  How fun are they?


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