South Carolina Crafts for Kids
When you’re ready to study the Palmetto State with your kids, try these fun South Carolina crafts for kids! There are activities here you can use to study the state’s animals, industries, weather, and more!
South Carolina is known as the Palmetto State, because its location along the coast gives it plenty of palmetto trees. But there’s more to the area than trees! South Carolina features its own unique cuisine, climate, and wildlife, which makes it a great unit study for kids.
If you’re planning a trip to the South Carolina area, don’t miss my list of top ten teen-friendly things to do in Myrtle Beach!

Other State’s Crafts for Kids:
- Maryland Crafts for Kids
- New Hampshire Crafts for Kids
- North Carolina Crafts for Kids
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South Carolina Unit Study Resources
14 Pages: South Carolina State Unit Study
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Books about South Carolina for Kids
Free State Fact File Worksheets
South Carolina Crafts for Kids
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South Carolina Crafts for Kids
This list of state crafts is perfect for creative fun! The kids will love them!
The dairy industry is one of the most important industries in South Carolina. Let the kids help you make this cute Paper Cow Craft!
One of South Carolina’s state foods is the peach. This DIY Peaches & Cream Soap only takes 10 minutes to make and is a great activity for older kids!
The Blue Ridge Mountains run through part of South Carolina. This neat 3-D Mountain Range Craft is a perfect landscape learning activity!
Due to South Carolina’s location, it’s prone to cyclones and tornadoes. Learn how a tornado forms with this easy Tornado in a Jar Experiment!
Learn about the South Carolina state reptile, the sea turtle, and then make this super cute Felt Turtle Craft!
The salamander is the state amphibian of South Carolina. These easy Clay Salamanders would make an excellent activity for preschoolers!
Make this easy Beach Shoebox Diorama to help the kids picture the Atlantic coast beaches of South Carolina!

Do you have any ideas for South Carolina crafts for kids? If you’ve made some with your family, share your suggestions in the comments!