Educating Our Children | Pirate Printables: Draw Your Own Pirate Chest

Pirate Printables: Draw Your Own Pirate Chest

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This is a fun way to keep the kids occupied while you read Treasure Island or some other great Pirate tale to them.  The following pirate printables include a treasure chest outline that kids can color or “fill” with the things they would keep in their chest.  It also has step-by-step instructions for building your own Pirate chest!


So, over the next several weeks I will be sharing some free Pirate Printables and other resources to help you plan your Pirate Unit Study.  I hope you find these homeschooling freebies useful for you in your homeschool classes!

More FREE Pirate Printables Resources:

Enhance Your Pirate Learning:

Looking for more fun items to help you in teaching your kids about Pirates? Check out my top picks from Amazon!


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