Homemaker Tips and Tricks | Cleaning | Speedy Deep Cleaning Tips

Speedy Deep Cleaning Tips

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Anyone who has ever cleaned a home knows it takes lots of time and energy. During your next seasonal deep cleaning session, you can greatly reduce how long it takes to clean by following these speed cleaning tips. I have so many other great cleaning tips and tricks!

Speedy Cleaning Tips

Speedy Deep Cleaning Tips

Play upbeat music. Music can do so much to give you the energy you need to clean. The music should be upbeat, full of energy and songs that you enjoy. The faster the beat, the quicker you will move. Before you know it, you will be finished cleaning in one room and moving onto the next.

Keep your supplies within easy reach. Gather your cleaning supplies before you begin cleaning. Create a basket or caddy to hold everything and carry it from room to room. You can also keep a caddy or basket with cleaning supplies in each room. This way you will have what you need when you need them, and you will not have to go looking for them.

Start with the room that you like least. Many people have a tendency to clean their least favorite room last. Unfortunately, this could lead you to procrastinate so you never have to clean it. If you clean your least favorite room first, you will have the dreaded task completed and will be encouraged to move forward.

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You don’t have to clean everything. If something truly does not need to be cleaned, do not spend the time to clean it. You may not use every room in your home; so if your guest room looks clean, do not clean it again. Focus on the things that truly need to be cleaned.

Clean messes as you see them. Even if it is not a scheduled cleaning day, clean up any mess you may see. Encourage your family to help in this regard. If there are dishes in the living room, ask someone to take them with them on their trip to the kitchen. If something was splattered while cooking, grab the sponge and clean it up before it hardens and makes it more difficult to clean in the future.

Clean from top to bottom. Start at the top of the room and work downward. Clean the upper cabinet doors, then the countertop and finally the front of the lower cabinet doors. When cleaning the refrigerator doors, start at the top and move down. When you are finished cleaning the front of the appliances, you can easily mop up any water that may have dripped.

When you are finished cleaning, be sure to put your cleaning supplies away. If you have a basket or cleaning caddy for each room, you will want to place it in the closet or out of the way. By putting things where they belong, you know where to find them the next time you need them.

The above tasks are just part of our deep cleaning series!  Be sure to check out the previous posts:

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  1. This is really helpful! Mess really messes up everything. My mind, my body and my whole day. The pile is really upsetting. Yet, it’s so simple — you have to remove it before it multiplies. Instead of scolding or being grouchy, I’ve made a clean up song and it really worked with my kids.

  2. Great cleaning tips. I always play my upbeat music very loud when I clean. I have come to the conclusion that I’m a little OCD about cleaning and usually pick stuff up as I go. I make my bed every day and clean the kitchen as I go. So much easier than cleaning up a huge mess every couple of days. Thank you for linking up to Tips and Tricks!

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