Homemaker Tips and Tricks | Cleaning | 7 Things You Need to Be Cleaning {and probably aren’t}

7 Things You Need to Be Cleaning {and probably aren’t}

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The list of items you may overlook when spring cleaning is not exhaustive. You may be able to think of other things, as well. If you do think of something else, be sure to write it down so you do not forget again. Read these cleaning tips and tricks! 

7 things you probably are not cleaning

7 Things You Need to Be Cleaning {and probably aren’t}

Even if you have a master list of everything that might possibly need to clean in your home, it is possible you will overlook some items. For instance, people with pets often overlook their pet’s bedding. Rather than leaving the bedding alone, it will need to be removed from its area, the area vacuumed and the bedding either washed or replaced. What other things might you overlook?

1.  Air Ducts – Air ducts are often overlooked when cleaning. When you sweep or vacuum, you may be pushing dust and other items into your air duct system. If the ductwork has gotten wet, it may also begin developing mold, which it then spreads throughout the home when air is forced through them. Each year, it is good to have the air ducts cleaned. This is one task to get someone else to do to keep the system intact. If your heating and air conditioning unit has a filter, springtime is the perfect time to change it out before you switch over from heat to air.

2.  Walls – Wipe down the walls in your home, especially if someone in your family has allergies.  Think high and low!  Just cleaning around light switches is not enough.  Wipe those walls down from top to bottom!

3.  Mattresses – Vacuuming the beds will also reduce allergens, as well as tossing stuffed animals in the washing machine.  DOn’r forget to be flipping and turning those mattresses as well!  You can shake baking soda on your clean mattresses and allow it to sit for about an hour before vacuuming it up.  The baking soda helps to clean and freshen your mattress.

4.  Mini Blinds & Curtains – It may also be helpful to take down and clean mini-blinds and curtains.

5.  Outside – The front of the home is the first thing people see, yet many people overlook it. You may want to give the front door a fresh coat of paint. Power washing the steps would also be a good idea. Look around and see if there are algae or other dirt on the front of the house. If there is, you can use a power washer to clean it, as well.

6.  Mailbox – The mailbox is used almost daily, however people do not think about it very often. If your mailbox is still in good shape, but looking a little drab, you may want to add a fresh coat of paint. If it is beat up or does not work properly, it may be time to replace it. Be sure to replace any numbers or lettering so mail delivery is not postponed. Check with your local post office to see if there are regulations about placing plants around the base of the post.

7. Gutters – Gutters may be full of leaves or other debris. Place a ladder against the house and put a drop cloth under it. Put on some gloves and then scoop the leaves out. Not only will removing the leaves keep water from going over the side of the gutter and possibly ruining the fascia boards, you will avoid mold around your home.  Fascia and soffits are not easy to see from the ground. While you are up on the ladder, look for wood rot or insect infestation.  While you are up on the ladder, examine the condition of your roof. Do you see missing shingles, buckling, water damage or other problems? Call a professional roofer to come look. They will be able to tell you if the damage is something to worry about or if it is minimal and can wait. If the roofer tells you that you need work, be sure to get a second opinion.

The above tasks are just part of our deep cleaning series!  Be sure to check out the previous posts:

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  1. Great list! With 3 little kids, I feel like I’m constantly cleaning, the walls for sure, and doorknobs and the backs of doors too. Thanks for sharing at What’d You Do This Weekend? 🙂

  2. oh boy! Guess I should add a few more items to my cleaning list! 😉 Thanks for linking up at the Thoughtful Spot Weekly Blog Hop! We hope you stop by again next week!

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