Seeds! {Part 2}
Does your child have a book that they just can’t seem to get enough of? My 3 year old daughter loves the Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! book. You may remember my original post about this book (find it here). Well, we’ve been talking about seeds again this week and decided to make a project similar to Buddy Bear’s bean seed frame.
Let’s Get Started!
What You Need:
- Bag of Assorted Beans (found mine at the grocery store for under $2)
- Glue
- Construction Paper
- Paint (optional)
What You Do:
Since we had already read the book so many times, the kids already had an idea about what to do with the bean seeds, so I left the project pretty open ended. I gave each kid a cup of beans, one of these cool new glue sticks I found and some construction paper and let them run with it!
Most of the kids just put little dots of glue all over and then put the seeds in the glue. Great for fine motor skills!
About half way through the project, the kids started asking for paint, so I made a few plates of paints to add some color to the project.
Not long after the plates were handed out, I saw one kid putting seeds in her paints. Pretty fun!
Another girl decided to write out her names in seeds:
In case you can’t tell, it spells “Elle”.
Another boy filled his whole paint plate with seeds:
This was a great project because the supplies were super cheap and it kept the kids involved for A LONG time.
Of course, it did make a major mess… but don’t all projects make a major mess?
Anyway, happy crafting!
About the Author
Lindsey Whitney is a blogger over at Growing Kids Ministry. A blog designed to help parents, teachers, and Children’s Ministry workers who want to help the kids they love grow in their faith. You can connect with her via twitter or on facebook.