Educating Our Children | Seeds! Seeds! Seeds!

Seeds! Seeds! Seeds!

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Seeds! Seeds! Seeds!


Recently, we picked up the book Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! by Nancy Elizabeth Williams.  Even though it’s a rather long and detailed book, my three year old daughter loves it and requests it every night at bedtime.  In this book, Buddy Bear gets a package from his grandpa and with 5 mystery bags inside.  He is to open one bag each day and then do the coordinating activity.  Of course, all the activities are about seeds and by the end of the book, Buddy has learned all about the growing process and has a mighty fine seed collection to boot!  Very cute and educational too!

Of course, my little Chipmunk became super interested in seeds after reading through the book four nights in a row, so we decided to plant a few seeds ourselves.  We planted carrots in a plastic bottle and flower seeds in an old egg container.  Want to follow along?


What You Need:

  • Seed packets
  • Potting Soil
  • Starter container (old egg cartons work great)
  • Water

What You Do;

To start with, we took a look at each seed as we opened up the packets.  Some seeds were really funny looking, like these cornflower seeds which had “fur growing out the top” (my 3-year old’s words).   After we looked at them all, we placed them back in the packets and got the containers ready.



I used some old applesauce containers to scoop out soil for the kids.  Then, they dumped the soil into the 1/2 water bottle.  This seemed to work out pretty good.  Even my 1 1/2 year old did a pretty good job!


Pouring! Pouring!

After the bottles were about 2/3 full, we put the seeds in (carrot) and pushed them down just a little bit.  Then I sprinkled a little soil over top.

At this point, the boys were off running again, but Chipmunk wanted to do a little more planting.


We started by filling each little egg-holder with a little bit of soil.  We also labeled each row, but writing on the little nubs between rows.  Yes, I’m pretty sure nubs is the official word for those.  🙂

After everything was “planted”, I misted all the seeds with the garden house and set them in the sun!


They have been outside for about 2 days now and the packages say we should see some green in about 7 days, so not too much longer!  I’m hoping to be able to see the roots for the carrot through the clear water bottle, but we’ll see how it turns out!

Happy Planting!


Lindsey Whitney is a mom of two, home day care provider and blogger over at Growing Kids Ministry. You can connect with her via twitter or on facebook.


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    1. Me too, Lindsay! I am away on a trip now, so I hope my husband remembers to water them!

      – Lindsey

    1. It’s amazing the quality of books they are coming out with these days. We’re always finding good stuff!

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