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My Favorite Cookbooks

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I have so many cookbooks, seriously!  I have never counted, but I have gobs and gobs.  With that said, there are only a few that I turn to on a regular basis. Here are some of my favorite cookbooks!

If you love books, make certain to check out these other great book recommendations as well.

a list of my favorite cookbooks that I recommend every busy Mom have in her kitchen library

Back when I was posting my recipes and cooking tips on 3 Boys and a Dog regularly, I was asked numerous times about what cookbooks I suggest that everyone own. The below are a list of my favorite cookbooks that I recommend every busy Mom have in her kitchen library.

When I am menu planning and can’t find anything we want in our regular recipe list or on Pinterest, I grab these books and start thumbing through (in order from first to grab):

list of must have cookbooks from busy, southern mom of 3 active boys

My Favorite Cookbooks

These are just a few of my favorite cookbooks!

Obviously, I am Southern and my cookbook choices reflect my Heritage.  Do you have a “can’t live without” cookbook?

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Pary Moppins

Wednesday 23rd of May 2012

The Junior League of Harris County did a cookbook called "Texas Ties" and it has been used so much that the pages fall out in clumps. It is fantastic if you are looking for something a little special. Of course, I am partial to all of the Southern Living Annual Recipes cookbooks and any church cookbook that a clutch of little old ladies have poured their famous potluck specialties into. I will have to look into your top 5. :)


Wednesday 23rd of May 2012

Then you will love all the Calling All Cooks books - true Southern Old Lady recipes at their best!