Educating Our Children | Fun with Shapes

Fun with Shapes

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I think we almost have shapes mastered in our house (at least for child #1)!  Slow and steady has really been paying off.  Here’s another shape activity we worked on recently — simple and fun!

Shapes Poster

I’m sure I previously mentioned how absolutely terrible I am at free-hand drawing anything.  Now you see what I mean!

This poster is made with poster board, crayons, and terrible artistic ability.  Once you’ve completed the poster, here’s what you can do with it!

Activity #1: Copy the Shapes

The first thing we did with the poster was hang it up on the wall (you’ll notice the obnoxious blue painter’s tape).  We talked a little bit about the shapes and then I gave each kid a piece of paper and encouraged them to copy the poster onto their own paper.  Here’s what we got:

If you look closely, you can totally see the squares and circles!  I think those little scribbly things were the stars.

Activity #2: Bean Bag Toss

The next day, we laid the post down on the living floor and tossed bean bags onto it.  Whenever the bean bag landed on a shape, I asked the kids what shape it was.  Like I said before, they are getting pretty good at their shapes.  Way fun!

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I put the little car mat down to show the kids where to stand when they were throwing their bean bags, but of course, they didn’t really stay on the mat!  Oh well!


Activity #3: Advanced Bean Bag Toss

The kids need to be a little older for this one.  Instead of just throwing the bean bag at random, ask the kids to aim for a particular shape.  You can keep score to up the fun and hand out hugs for the prize!

What About You?

What kind of shape fun do you have with your kids?

About the Author

Lindsey Whitney is a home day care provider and a  blogger over at Growing Kids Ministry.  Growing Kids Ministry is a blog designed to help parents, teachers, and Children’s Ministry workers who want to help the kids they love grow in their faith.   You can connect with her via twitter or on facebook.

More Shape Activities:

Free Preschool Shapes Worksheets

Sorting Shapes with Foamies and Paper Bags

Shape Detective Worksheet

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