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Free Homeschooling Unit Study: November 2011

Sharing is caring!

Each month, I will send in a neat unit study that coordinates with fun and sometimes wacky Holidays for the upcoming month.  In addition to tips, ideas, and thoughts, I will also include links to some fun things to learn about in your homeschool.  Don’t homeschool?  No big deal!  Spend time with your kids during the weekends and on holidays doing these fun things and teach them something in the process!

I love using themed unit resources to help teach and learn about topics with the kids!


November is… Peanut Butter Lovers Month!

All items in the list below are free unless otherwise stated.  *If it is underlined, you can click it!



Unique Holiday

Peanut Butter Lovers

Specific Days that Coordinate:

  • November 3rd – Sandwich Day.  Make Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches for lunch or supper today!
  • November 8th – Cook Something Bold Day. 
  • November 16th – Have a party with your bear day!  Make some Peanut Butter Cookies and have a Tea Party with your child and their stuffed bears!
  • November 23rd – National Cashew Day.  Peanut Butter and Cashews… that could be really yummy!

Fun things to do this month:

  • Make Peanut Pets using peanut shells, pipe cleaners, wiggly eyes, and other crafty items.  You could even go so far as writing a play and acting it out!
  • Make a bird feeder using a pine cone, peanut butter, and bird seed!
  • Learn about the History of Peanut Butter!
  • Learn about George Washington Carver and his 300 other uses for Peanuts!

Free Printables for this month:

  • How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich.  Scroll to the very bottom of the page.  You will have to create a free account to download it.
  • Peanut Butter & Jelly Programming Lesson.  Grades 6 – 8 learn to write a computer program!
  • The National Peanut Board has lots of Lesson Plans and Free Printables

Books to Read this month:

These are Amazon links and they cost (all under 5 dollars) but you can always check with your local library!

Neat recipes to add to the plan this month:

NOTE:  I may occasionally post some things that cost, but will try very hard to keep those items minimal and under 5 dollars each!  Sometimes, you just have to spend a bit of money to really get something you want. LOL!

Be sure to leave me a note letting me know your plans for the month and even how it went last month!

Sharing is caring!

simona - artsy ants

Wednesday 2nd of November 2011

i just finished dipping my bowl of pretzels in peanut butter so i just HAD to click on your link over on "carolyns homework". driving through alabama last week (i believe that's where it was) i saw signs up for the national peanut festival. sounded like a big fair so it might be expensive to get tickets. but i'm sure it's fun!