Educating Our Children | Find the Letter P is for Pilgrims

Find the Letter P is for Pilgrims

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These Find the Letter P is for Pilgrims printables will help your preschool and early-elementary aged children work on recognizing the letter P among many similar letters of the alphabet. This activity is great for letter recognition and is so much fun for the kids!

All you need are some fun pilgrim crafts and other fun activities for kids to make this learning lesson complete. You’re gong to love all the Find the Letter Worksheets for Kids.

Make sure to check out my Homeschooling Preschool Worksheets for even more learning fun.

I’m all about looking for great crafts for kids but I like to sprinkle in learning worksheets, too. This is why I love having holiday-themed learning and using it to combine fun with education.

What is the learning benefit of this printable?

The kids will be able to recognize both the uppercase and lowercase letter “p” with ease. This is a great way to work on letter recognition.

What it includes:

These printable worksheets include Thanksgiving themed pictures that have the letter P and other random letters sprinkled throughout. The kids will then be able to identify the letter P in all the various forms.

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Fun ways to use this printable:

There are so many fun ways to use this learning printable! But don’t be scared to branch out and try new activities and ideas! Below are a few ways to try just that!

Work on shapes learning

You can have the kids learn shapes by putting a circle around the capital ‘P’ and a square around the Lower Case ‘p’. They could use different colors: for example, green around the “big P” and blue around the “little p”.

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Talk about all the Thanksgiving objects that start with the letter p

This could be quite the long list! Have the kids say the words that they can think of but don’t forget to add Plymouth rock, pilgrim hats, pilgrim children, and planted corn to the list!

Create a Thanksgiving alphabet

Have the kids write out the alphabet and write a Thanksgiving word with each letter. This is a fun holiday activity for all ages!

More Printable Thanksgiving Worksheets:

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