Top 10 Tips for Transitioning Back To School
Admit it, summer is fun.
Changing from the summer mindset to back to school, on the other hand – for homeschooled and public schooled children alike – can be a tough time for your child.
Understanding how your child is feeling is the first step in helping them to learn life skills that will stay with them for the rest of their lives, and enable them to face all of life’s inevitable transitions.
Read on for our top 10 tips for transitioning Back To School!

1. Ask How Your Child Is Feeling. Some parents make the mistake of either filling their child with their own fears, or telling them not to be scared about the first day.
First, simply listen to your child’s thoughts and feelings. If they appear or are acting upset, suggest that “Lots of children feel sad or scared. Are you feeling something like that?”
2. Now reassure. Once the feelings are on the table and normalized, your child can more easily hear your words of encouragement and reassurance that everything’s going to be okay.
3. Help them view the change as an opportunity. Even though it’s normal to have uncomfortable feelings of anticipation, the butterflies in their tummies can also playfully be viewed as “excitement” instead of just anxiety.
4. Program positive thinking. As much as possible, scout out the school, teacher or classmates ahead of time so your child can mentally rehearse what things will be like.
Have them close their eyes at bedtime and imagine how their experience will be fun and positive.
5. Re-establish routines. Providing a sense of security gives children a firm foundation for tackling the unknown. Keep things loving and positive, but with a return to the predictable routine.
Sleep is essential to reducing fears and irritability. Spend a few days before the first day of school getting your child back on the new sleep schedule.

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6. Create a ritual of planning. Create a checklist of things to do ahead of time, including purchases, and make it a fun adventure around decision-making.
You can also avoid last-minute panic by packing the backpack and laying out the first day’s “special” clothes the night before.
7. Talk about your own experiences around transitions. It’s helpful for parents to teach by example. Share not only our childhood triumphs, but also times that, even as an adult, you overcame the butterflies and are happy you made a change.
8. Coach them to reach out. Children often wait for other kids to initiate contact with them rather than making the first move themselves. Encourage them to smile, say “Hi” to those they know, and reach out and introduce themselves to new kids.
9. Deal with your own feelings. Facing and constructively expressing your own feelings about your child’s transition provides them with a great model for letting go, and also helps to clear some family tension that could otherwise affect them adversely.
10. Celebrate the day! How about a special healthy breakfast and end of the day celebration for their accomplishment? Give yourself a pat on the back as well!
More Back to School Parenting Resources:
Welcome Back to School Letters – fun ideas for not just the Teachers to write to the parents, but also for the parents to write to the teachers. Great resources for letting your child’s new teacher know all about your child.
Motivational Quotes for Students
Our Back to School Transitioning Recommended Resources:
You find the following Amazon (aff) products useful in helping your child(ren) transition back to school after the freedom of Summer.
Academic Planner for 2017-2018: An 8×10 Inch Organizer with Inspirational Quotes and Tips for Positive Thinking
Great ideas and helpful for many kids – incl some ideas for our autistic and ADHD ones too. #littlemakes
These are some great tips for back to school! Pinned on our back to school board for reference. #FuntasticFriday
So important to help the kids feel ready for school. #littlemakes
I really like the tips for setting new routines and dealing with feelings. Pinned!