Educating Our Children | Q is for Quack!!

Q is for Quack!!

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Q is for Quack

 Q is for Quack!

This week, we’ve been learning all about the letter Q!  We started out the week with learning about the sound that ducks make.  I have to say, my three year old found this to be highly entertaining and spent the rest of the day walking around the house quacking.  You’ve been warned!

Here’s some of the alphabet printables activities we did:

Six Little Ducks

Q is for Quack

To begin, we used the duck stick puppets from the 5 Little Ducks Preschool Counting lesson and this Toddler Sing-Along CD.  Of course, I’m sure you could easily find the “6 Little Ducks” song on Amazon or iTunes.  It’s the one that goes “But the one little duck with the feather on his back, he led the others with a QUACK! QUACK! QUACK!”

I’m sure you’ve figured it out, but we really emphasized the QUACK part of the song.  Each child held a duck and shook it wildly when it came to the quacking part.  We also sang “5 Little Ducks” which is the one where mommy duck says “Quack, Quack, Quack, Quack!” to call her babies back.

The kids loved singing the songs and it really helped with letter “Q” learning.

Reading Together

We also read through the Sesame Street Alphabet book “Q” (pictured above) which talks about quacking, quarters, and a quilt.  There’s are lots of books you could read to help with the “Q is for Quack” concept, including the entire “Little Quack” series.

Product Details

Duck, Duck, Goose

Most kids know how to play the traditional game of “Duck, Duck, Goose”, but this week instead of yelling “Goose!”, we yelled “Quack” to initiate the running fun.  What a blast!

Duck Duck Goose

Letter Q Practice

I printed off a few “Q” practice sheets, but I have to admit, we didn’t get very far on them!  You can find some free “Q” printables below:

Q Letter Practice at Paula’s Reading Chair

Letter Practice at Classroom Jr.

Happy Quacking!

Stay tuned tomorrow for a Q is for Queen lesson.

More “Q” Resources

About the Author:

Lindsey Whitney is a blogger over at Growing Kids Ministry.  A blog designed to help parents, teachers, and Children’s  Ministry workers who want to help the kids they love grow in their faith.   You can connect with her via twitter or on facebook.

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