In The Kitchen | Menu Planning | Menu Plan Monday: Free Printable!

Menu Plan Monday: Free Printable!

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I have surgery today and will be in the hospital for at least over night, so my menu is a bit bare this week.  However, while pre-planning my posts, I again made you a free menu printable just like mine above, except blank!  See, I am super stinking nice! Tee Hee.  Just click the image above and a pdf of the blank one will open for you. ENJOY!

Kelli’s Menu Plan for February 20th – February 26th

Monday: No one will be home and I will be eating hospital food. ICK!

Tuesday: DH is going to have to wing it.  I should be home, but I won’t feel like cooking I can promise you that!

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Wednesday: Leftover Soup – my dish is full and it is super easy to make!

Thursday: Roast, Mashed Potatoes, and Corn <– didn’t get to it last week

Friday: Easy Chinese Stir Fry another easy meal that won’t have me on my feet too long

Saturday: Leftovers – will probably have lots of roast and soup leftover

Sunday: DYOT – Sunday is a day or rest and baking goodies around here, so they always get to do whatever.  Leftovers, frozen dinners, sandwiches, whatever!

Don’t forget to visit Org Junkie for Hundreds more menu plans and before heading to the grocery store.

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One Comment

  1. This is a keeper–menu planning is the backbone of a great kitchen. Thank you for including your post at Foodie Friday’s linky party!

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