Holidays and Seasons | Earth Day | Earth Day Evergreen Wreath

Earth Day Evergreen Wreath

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With Earth Day fast approaching, we’ve been busy checking out eco-friendly and nature craft books from the library.  A few we’ve really enjoyed have been:

Nature’s Art Box

Nifty Thrifty Music Crafts

Inspired by the wreath craft in Nature’s Art Box, we decided to make our own branch wreath from a recently trimmed evergreen tree.

Fallen Tree

What You Need: 

  • Soft, Green Branches or Vines
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Clamps or clothespins

Here’s a quick look at the page in the book:

Vine Wreath
The book suggests using grape vines or wisteria, but alas, we couldn’t find any of those in our backyard, so we used what we had!  If you’re going to use evergreen trees, make sure they are fresh, but because they are a little harder to shape and bend than vines.

Evergreen Wreath

To begin, we laid the branches on top of each other, slightly overlapping the ends (about 3 inches).  


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I tried glueing directly onto the branches and holding, which might work if you are really patient, but we’re not!


Instead, we used a clamp (like a chip clip or something) to hold the branches together and then hot glued the branches.  The clip held things in place until it was solid and we could be on our way glueing another section together.


I clipped and glued three branches together and then glued them all together to make a circle.  I had a few extra branches, so I wove them into the finished circle once it was all dry.



A little lopsided, but that’s okay.

This would be a great time to talk to the kids about different types of trees.

What about you?  How are you enjoying the great outdoors these days?

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