Holidays and Seasons | Summer | Best Essential Oils for Soothing Sunburn

Best Essential Oils for Soothing Sunburn

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Sometimes no matter how hard to try to protect yourself, you may still walk away from your beach or pool trip with sunburn.

Sunburn can cause swollen, red, irritated skin that can make life quite uncomfortable, but the good news is you do have options!

Look below at 6 of the best essential oils for soothing sunburn to see how simple it can be to take the red out naturally. Read my guide to essential oils for more tips!

these common essential oils will help take the sting out of your sunburn

Essential oils can be your best friend when it comes to soothing sunburn, helping you deal with the swelling and pain that accompanies it.

Be sure to check out the rest of my peppermint recipes and ideas!

Best Essential Oils for Soothing Sunburn

Essential oils for sunburn relief isn’t as hard as you think. These oils can help to ease the pain and reduce redness and help treat sunburn quicker possibly than other options.

*This post contains affiliate links through Rocky Mountain Essential Oils. While this means no extra cost for you, I may be compensated if you purchase through the links below.*

heal a bad sunburn quickly with these essential oils

Lavender Essential Oil

Who doesn’t love the scent of lavender oil?

This easy to use and affordable oil is excellent for sunburn because it not only soothes the skin but can help reduce swelling associated with the burn.

Try it on, not only sunburned, but windburned skin as well.

Get Lavender Essential Oil at Rocky Mountain Oils.

Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint essential oil is ideal for sunburned skin because it offers a cooling sensation that feels quite nice.

It can help reduce pain and swelling as well, all while helping skin feel cool and invigorated.

Get Peppermint Essential Oil here.

Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium oil seems to be one of those oils that most people just aren’t sure how to use.

Well, if you have a sunburn, you will want a bottle on hand.

Geranium oil works quickly to help soothe and even restore the skin so it can get back to its healthy state fast.

Get Geranium Oil here.

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Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea Tree oil is much like peppermint oil in the way it cools the warm skin.

If you want fast relief from a sunburn, tea tree oil can help.

It will cool the skin when applied, and will continue to aid in pain relief.

Get your Tea Tree Oil at RMO.

Cypress Essential Oil

Cooling the skin seems to be the theme here, right? Cypress oil can help you do exactly that.

It offers cool relief when applied topically, and can help calm the stinging and pain often associated with sunburn.

Get Cypress Essential Oil here.

Balsam Fir Essential Oil

Balsam Fir oil may smell like the winter months, but the truth is it can be quite beneficial in the summer months.

This essential oil has pain relieving properties that can come in handy when sunburn hits, and can help soothe the skin and promote fast healing.

Get Balsam Fir Oil at Rocky Mountain Oils.

what essentials oils to use on a bad sunburn

How to Use Essential Oils on Sunburn:

Essential oils should only be applied topically and with the aid of a carrier oil. Some carrier oils (oils used to dilute the essential oils) include:

  • coconut oil
  • almond oil
  • jojoba oil

Simply mix a few drops of the essential oil of your choice and the carrier oil to create a topical oil for your burn. Gently massage into the burned areas for fast relief – a glass roller container works great for this.

Some essential oils may cause sensitivity to sunlight. While the mentioned oils shouldn’t, you should still use precaution and stay out of the sun when using them.

As always, consult a health professional if you are pregnant or plan on using these oils on a child. Not all oils are ideal for people in these groups.

Essential oils can help you feel relief from sunburn fast. Consider these 6 of the best essential oils for sunburn, and see how they can help you find relief from the burn!

the best essential oils for sunburn

A tad bit about Rocky Mountain Oils:

Shipping –  All orders within the United States qualify for free economy shipping. Orders have an estimated delivery time of 2-7 business days!  They even have a neat little chart to help you estimate your shipping time if choosing the free shipping option.

Return Policy – Products can be returned for any reason, even if opened, for up to 90 days.  Yes, seriously!  They even send you a shipping label so you don’t have to pay to return the product.  No more worries about “what if it doesn’t work or I am allergic” simply return it!

Safe and Healthy – RMO provides GC/MS (Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry) test results from a verified third-party, independent lab for each one of their essential oil products. In fact, on the bottom of your bottle is a batch number.  You can go to their site and enter your number.  This will give you the results of your bottle’s testing!

If you like this post on essential oil and natural remedies, check out these as well:

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