Time Management Tips for College Students
There is so much to do and keep track of in college. With all of the classes and the homework, it can be easy to mismanage your time, which could possibly put your grades at risk. These time management tips for college students will help you be a rockstar all term long!
Time Management Tips for College Students
Use both a calendar and a planner.
There is so much that you need to keep track of in college that it’s best to have it written down. When classes are held, when exams are happening, when projects are due, and any work or extracurricular activities all need to be factored in as well.
Let your brain relax by not relying on your memory alone. Keep your day planner up to date daily and keep it with you so you’re not double booking your time. With your calendar, be sure to have all of your important dates and times marked, so you’ll a reminder in your room where you need to be and when.
Don’t forget to have some time for yourself.
It’s awesome to be taking a full schedule of classes, going to events on campus, working, tutoring, and on and on. But don’t forget to have time for yourself that doesn’t revolve around school. You don’t want to spread yourself too thin. Having some downtime for yourself is a way to recharge your batteries.
If you do nothing but school, school, school all the time, you’ll run the chance of burning out. Pushing yourself is awesome and an incredible way to get the most out of your education, but keep in mind that relaxing and taking time to yourself is both healthy and important!
Make sleep a priority.
Talking about sleep with time management may seem silly at first, but it’s actually a pretty big factor in managing your time well. All-nighters with your nose in a book happen, but also remember to get some good sleep. Just like you need to eat to keep your brain fresh and alert, you need sleep to keep your brain functioning well.
The longer you stay awake, the more worn out your brain gets. Just because you’re staying up longer doesn’t mean you’re accomplishing or retaining more.
Control the distractions around you.
Of course, no matter what you do, there are some things that come up that you simply have no control over. But there are some that you do, such as the environment where you study. If you know your roommates are home and hanging out with music playing and you know that the loud noise is going to keep you from studying, don’t go there. Try studying in the library – it will be quiet and you can study without anyone bothering you.
The same thing goes for distractions such as the internet and your cell phone. Turn your ringer off on your phone. Use a productivity site that locks out certain websites for a specific amount of time.
Be present in what you’re doing – no procrastinating.
Use your time wisely. Whether you’re in class or studying, pay attention! If you’re hearing the words but not really retaining them, you’re going to have to go over the material again just to pick up what you missed in class. This is sucking up more time from your schedule when you could be using that time for something else.
By keeping your days organized with a planner, ensuring you have some downtime, and keeping yourself present and free from distractions, you’ll find yourself getting way more done than any all-nighter could. Time management skills are important for college students to learn. It’s a skill set that will help you all the way to graduation (and beyond)!
Thank you for the nice tips, Kelli 🙂
These are great tips! One of the best buys for my daughter’s tiny college apartment that helped to manage her time as well as making real food on a very tight budget was a slow cooker. The slow cooker, a set of freezer containers, and a supply of the slow cooker liners means that she can quickly throw something on to cook that will be done when she gets home. She will have some leftovers for other meals and lunches. And the whole thing is easy to clean up with the liners.
Another great buy for her was a single-serve coffee brewer–very quick and easy for a single person running out the door quickly in the morning and almost nothing to clean up.