The Human Ear Worksheets for Kids
The Human Ear Worksheets are a great third grade and up learning activity to talk about how the ear works. Ear anatomy can be a unique topic to talk about with kids but it’s one that is important! Learning about how are our ear health is important maintaining balance or tips for stopping hearing loss are key! Check out even more free homeschooling printables!
Start working with your grade 3 learner on the various parts of the ear. See if they can use those ears for this fun printable and then talk to them about how hearing is used for multiplication and division and other subjects in school as well.
You kids will be great listeners and be excited about learning more.

It’s a safe bet to say that kids will learn a lot about the tiny bones in the ear and how they help with sound waves, and so will you! This is a simple activity that can be great for family learning. The human body is truly remarkable!
What will the kids learn from this printable?
This printable is pretty detailed in going over the parts and function of the ear. Your child will learn about the outer ear consisting of various parts as well as the external auditory canal, the tympanic membrane, the auditory nerve, and more.
You can even use this printable as a way to talk about more advanced ear topics such as cells in the cochlea, eustachian tube, hair cells in the ear, and how the ear fills with fluid as well. Another interesting topic to talk about and research is nerve impulses versus electrical impulses in the ear.
What it includes:
This Parts of the Ear printable includes:
- Parts of the ear
- My listening ears headband
- Who ears are these?
- My ears printable
- Parts of the ear matching
- Word search
- Sense of sound
- Things I can hear

Fun ways to use this printable:
Don’t forget to use this printable for other learning ideas and even more fun!
Play the listening game
Once your child goes through the printables and learns about the ear canal and the bones in the middle of the year, why not play a game using their ears as well.
The listening game is where you give directions and see how well they can follow. It’s very similar to Simon Says but this can be played with just one person and it’s more about a series of directions being given to see how well they’re paying attention.
Play the telephone game
Talk about a classic game that literally uses the ear 100%. Get the rest of the family to join in on the fun and then sit and whisper a sentence into someone’s ear. That person then whispers what they heard you say into someone else’s ear and down the line, it goes. The last person to get the sentence has to say what they heard out loud.
Will the sentence be what you said or will it be something totally different?
Pull up pictures of animals and talk about how different the ears are in size
Ears are all different sizes on animals and humans. Pull up some cute animal pictures and see just how unique their ears are! Mice ears are tiny while wolf ears are huge!

What is a fun fact about the human ear?
Did you know that the human ear is capable of differentiating between over 400,000 different sounds? It’s true – our ear is a remarkable organ that helps us to navigate the world around us through sound.
Not only can we hear a wide range of frequencies, but our brain is also able to process and interpret these sounds in order to understand speech, music, and other auditory cues.
Additionally, our ears contain tiny hair cells that help to detect vibrations and send signals to the brain, allowing us to hear everything from a whisper to a loud explosion.
Overall, it’s clear that the human ear is a fascinating part of our anatomy and one that we should be grateful for every day.
What are some fun facts about hearing for kids?
Hearing is an amazing sense that allows us to perceive sounds and noises all around us. Did you know that humans are not the only ones with ears? In fact, many animals have ears, too!
Elephants have enormous ears that can flap to cool them down, while bats have ears that can hear high-pitched sounds that are too high for humans to hear.
Also, did you know that our ears never stop growing? It may not be noticeable, but our ears continue to grow throughout our whole lives.
Finally, did you know that our ears are incredibly sensitive? The smallest bone in our bodies is found in the ear, and it helps us hear even the quietest of whispers.
These fun facts about hearing are just a few of the many interesting things about our amazing sense of hearing.
How do you explain sense of hearing to a child?
The sense of hearing is an incredible ability that you have which allows you to hear sounds all around you. When you hear something, it means that your ears have detected sound waves that are traveling through the air.
Your ears are like a microphone that collects these sound waves and sends them to your brain. Your brain then translates these signals into sounds that you can recognize, such as music, speaking, or noises.
Your sense of hearing is an essential part of how you experience the world around you, and it helps you communicate with others.
Without it, life would be very different!
What sound do humans hate the most?
Human beings are constantly exposed to various sounds, and while some of them can be soothing and joyful, others can be quite irritating and unpleasant. The sound that humans abhor the most is subjective and can vary from person to person.
However, there are a few sounds that are commonly disliked, such as the sound of nails scratching on a chalkboard or the sound of teeth grinding. These sounds trigger a negative response in the brain and cause discomfort and anxiety.
In fact, research suggests that exposure to unpleasant sounds can trigger a physiological stress response.
So while our ability to hear is a vital part of our sensory experience, sometimes a little peace and quiet can be just what the doctor ordered.
More Learning Resources for Kids
- The Circulatory System
- Childrens Books About Skeletons
- Learn the Skeletal System {Grade Three Unit Study}
- FREE: Curriculum guides on eye health and the science of vision!
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Thank you again for your patience, and I hope you enjoy the printable!