Punch Art: Heart Owl Valentine Card
I had a blast making a ton of different colored Punch Art Owls and almost couldn’t wait to share the instructions with you! This Punch Art: Heart Owl Valentine Card is a perfect Valentine for both genders, but the boys seem to gravitate towards it more than girls.

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How to Make a Punch Art Owl:
It is so much easier than it looks, I promise 🙂
Step by Step Instructions:
Step One: Gather your tools and supplies! You will need:
- both sizes of the old CM heart punches (need hearts in the following sizes: 1-1/2, 1-1/4, 1, 3/4, & 1/4)
- the CM small circle punch
- the CM large star punch
- a heart corner punch
- craft tweezers
- fine line glue
- photo splits
- orange cardstock
- white cardstock
- 2 – 4×6 coordinating paper/cardstock scraps. I like to use the double-sided paper from Creative Memories because it coordinates and only takes ONE page to make a ton of owls. 🙂
Step Two: Punch out your punchie parts.

- From the orange paper you will need: the star and a 3/4 inch heart. Cut the heart in half and cut one point off the star for each owl you are making. The orange will go a very long way 🙂 The heart will even come out of the center of the star if you set it up correctly.
- From the white you will need two 3/4 inch circles.
- From one of your Owl colors you will need: two 1-1/2 inch hearts (body of owl), one 1 inch heart, and one 3/4 inch heart
- From the second color you will need: one 1-1/4 inch heart, one 1 inch heart, and the two tiny hearts (actually slightly less than 1/4 inch. I simply used a heart corner rounder and saved the hearts.
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Step Three: Start layering your owl. You will need to use the fine line glue and some photo splits to help hold some of the pieces together. For example:

You will barely overlap the two pieces of the feet, then if you take a photosplit leaving one side of the protective covering intact and put it on the back side, you can easily attach the feet to the owl body.
How to Make an Owl Valentine Card
First, gather your supplies!
1. The Owl you made above. 🙂
2. Free Printable Valentine Card Sayings

2. Spargo Pages from Creative Memories
Then, attach them to your card 🙂 Easy-peasy.