P is for Polar Bear!
The polar bears at the zoo are one of my daughter’s favorite animals, so I knew she’d love a preschool week focused on Polar Bears!
To start off, we made some polar bear paintings.
What You Need:
- Foam Shaving Cream
- Liquid Glue
- Bowl to mix it
- Picture of a polar bear (I got mine at Super Coloring)
- Paint brushes (optional)
What You Do:
Mix an equal amount of glue and shaving cream in a bowl. You don’t need too much. I made each kid WAY too much, but they really loved the “polar bear paint”, so we just kept painting more paper with it!
Hand over the polar bears and let the kids have at it!
Even my 1.5 year old loved this project!
Finished!! I love how the paint stays all fluffy and puffy after you’re done.
After the fun craft, we did a little “serious learning” about Polar Bears. We watched a few polar bear videos on the National Geographic website. We also completed this “All About Polar Bears” chart and hung it on the fridge. As soon as her dad got home, Abigail couldn’t wait to show him the chart. Guess she loved the Polar Bear theme!
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About the Author:
Lindsey Whitney is a blogger over at Growing Kids Ministry. A blog designed to help parents, teachers, and Children’s Ministry workers who want to help the kids they love grow in their faith. You can connect with her via twitter or on facebook.