Menu Plan Monday: Free Easter Menu Printable
I love to have a fun menu on my fridge and have really enjoyed making them for you. Someone actually asked me if I could compile all of the ones I have made into one place. I have added that to my to do list and will get on it very soon. Until then, click the image above to get a free, blank (and adorable) menu planning sheet for this week before Easter!
I also have a Rada Cutlery Giveaway over at 3 Boys and a Dog, Deals this week!
Now, on to my menu:
Monday: Roast, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Green Beans, and Rolls
Tuesday: GAME TIME! Once again, we will be at the High School Ballpark
Wednesday: Southwestern Cheesy Chicken, Corn, and Spanish Rice
Thursday: Beef Tips in Mushroom Sauce
Friday: Leftovers if we have any, if not Salad and Jerk Chicken Nachos
Saturday: GAME TIME! We will spend all day (Double Header) at the Park.. that means probably leftover burgers or ordering in Pizza.
Sunday: Easter Dinner – not quite sure what all we are having yet. My guess is that we will be having Ham and Potato Salad. Probably Macaroni and Cheese and Greens. Hmm.. oh, I am also sure we will be having deviled eggs and a cake for dessert. Other than that, not really sure.
This menu is linked to Org Junkie and Susie QT Pies