Maya Angelou Quotes About Success
We’re all trying to make it in this world, but sometimes, it can feel like we’re just spinning our wheels. That’s where Maya Angelou quotes about success come in handy. This incredible woman had a way with words that could light a fire under anyone.
Check out our other inspirational quotes & sayings for more motivation. But for now, let’s dive into Maya Angelou’s wisdom and see how her words can give us the boost we need to keep pushing forward.

It can be hard to chase after success, but it is not impossible.
A Little Bit About Maya
This remarkable lady wore many hats. She was a poet, memoirist, actress, director, and civil rights activist. She lived a life full of ups and downs, but boy, did she know how to turn her experiences into powerful lessons for all of us. Her words have a way of cutting right to the heart of success, not just in our careers but in life itself.
The Heart of True Success
These words about success get to the core of what it means to be successful.
Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.
-Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou says success isn’t about impressing others or raking in the big bucks. It’s all about being content with yourself and your choices. Landing a job that impresses others but leaves you feeling unhappy daily does not equate to success. True success is when you look at yourself and your work with genuine pride and satisfaction.
You find that sweet spot where you’re happy with who you are, what you’re doing, and how you’re doing it. And this kind of success looks different for everyone. Your version of success might be worlds apart from your neighbor’s.
So, you just have to stay true to your values and not lose sight of what matters to you in pursuing so-called success. After all, what good is a hefty paycheck if you’ve lost yourself along the way?
You can only become truly accomplished at something you love.
-Maya Angelou
Angelou highlights the crucial link between passion and mastery in this one. When you love what you do, it doesn’t feel like a chore. You’re naturally driven to put in extra effort, push boundaries, and stick with it even when the going gets tough.
This saying takes us further, suggesting genuine accomplishment stems from this love. It doesn’t mean simply being good at something but rather finding that thing that ignites your spirit. When you’re passionate about your work, you bring your whole self to it. You get creative, you innovate, and you persevere.
While the first quote emphasizes being content with yourself and your work, this one underlines the importance of passion in achieving excellence. Together, they paint a picture of success rooted in self-awareness, satisfaction, and a deep love for what you do.
Resilience: Bouncing Back from Setbacks
These Maya Angelou quotes about success remind us to keep pushing forward when the going gets tough.
We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.
-Maya Angelou
Life’s tough, and Angelou doesn’t sugar-coat it. We’ll face defeats. That’s a given. But there’s a big difference between facing a setback and letting it flatten us.
We must remember that defeats are part of the game, but giving up isn’t. Maybe you bombed that job interview, or your big project fell apart. Will it sting? Of course. But we have a choice in handling it. Let it crush our spirit, or learn from it and keep pushing.
Now, we must not pretend everything’s peachy when it’s not. We must acknowledge the rough patches while refusing to let them define us. Just getting back up is a victory in itself.

The Power of Action
Sometimes, we need a gentle nudge to get moving. This Maya Angelou sentence does just that.
Nothing will work unless you do.
-Maya Angelou
Angelou is telling us that success doesn’t happen on its own. You can’t sit back and expect results to fall into your lap. Instead, you have to roll up your sleeves and put in the work.
This reminds us that our dreams need more than just wishful thinking. They need our effort, our time, and our dedication. It’s a push to stop waiting for the perfect moment and start making moves now.
Angelou’s words apply to all areas of life. Whether career goals, personal projects, or relationships, progress comes from active involvement. Take that first step, even when it feels tough.
Playing the Long Game
Success doesn’t happen overnight.
All great achievements require time.
-Maya Angelou
Big wins don’t happen in a flash. Anything worth celebrating takes time to build.
Rome wasn’t built in a day. The same goes for your dreams. Good things come to those who hustle… and wait.
Angelou’s words are perfect for anyone feeling stuck. Feeling like you’re not moving fast enough? Cut yourself some slack. The best things in life often simmer before they sizzle.
So keep pushing, keep grinding, but don’t forget to enjoy the ride. Your breakthrough might be just around the corner. Trust the process, and watch your efforts bloom into something extraordinary.
Remember, overnight success is usually years in the making.
Thriving, Not Just Surviving
This powerful statement encourages us to live life to the fullest.
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.
-Maya Angelou
Think about your definition of success. Is it just ticking boxes, or is it about feeling alive? True success means chasing your passions, spreading kindness, and sprinkling in some laughter along the way. It’s about tackling life with energy and flair, not just going through the motions.
Ask yourself: Are you thriving or just surviving? Maya’s pushing us to jazz up our lives and redefine what success means. It’s time to stop existing and start living!
The Ripple Effect of Our Actions
Maya Angelou knew that true success goes beyond personal achievements.
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
-Maya Angelou
These words remind us that kindness is the real game-changer in life. We all want to succeed, but it should not just be about what we achieve. Our legacy must also include leaving a mark on others.
We meet countless people every day. Most conversations fade away, and we forget what people do for us. But the feelings stick around. That warm fuzzy feeling when someone believes in you? It lasts. The sting of harsh words? That lingers, too.
So, while chasing our dreams, let’s not forget to sprinkle kindness along the way. It’s what turns success into something exceptional.
Growth and Learning: The Path to Better
Maya Angelou’s statement about success reminds us of the importance of personal growth.
When you know better, you do better.
-Maya Angelou
We often make mistakes because we don’t know how to do things. However, once we learn the right way, we understand our mistakes and can change our actions.
It’s no use holding grudges against your past self. When you didn’t know better, you couldn’t do better. But as you gain more experience, you’ll discover new truths about yourself and life. This is when you should strive to improve.
Admitting that you’re not perfect is okay. We all mess up sometimes, and that’s just being human. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Mistakes happen, and they’re growth opportunities.
I’ve often fallen on my face and always learn from it. Angelou’s words remind us that success comes from learning, overcoming, and growing. Embrace your mistakes and use them as stepping stones to a better you.

Unleashing Creativity
Got a creative streak? Maya Angelou has some encouragement for you.
You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.
-Maya Angelou
Often, we hold back, thinking we need to save our best ideas. But creativity isn’t a limited resource. It’s not like a battery that runs out. The more you use it, the more it grows.
Whenever you develop a new idea, you train your brain to think more creatively. Your brain is like a muscle: The more you exercise it, the stronger it gets. So don’t worry about running out of ideas. Embrace your creative side and let your imagination flow freely. The more you create, the more ideas will come your way, leading to tremendous success.
Balancing Patience and Passion
And finally, a word on finding the right balance.
Seek patience and passion in equal amounts. Patience alone will not build the temple. Passion alone will destroy its walls.
-Maya Angelou
Life is a tricky dance between taking it slow and charging ahead. You need patience and fire in your belly to make things happen. Think of it as building something unique.
Patience helps you lay each brick carefully, ensuring everything’s just right. But that spark of passion? That’s what keeps you going when you’re getting burnt out. It’s the fuel that turns your dreams into reality.
But lean too hard on either side, and you’re in trouble. All patience and no drive? You might never start. All passion and no chill? You could burn out fast or make big mistakes. You must find that sweet spot where steady progress meets unstoppable energy. That’s how you build something that lasts.

Start Your Path to Success
We’ve taken quite a journey through Maya Angelou’s wisdom. Turn these Maya Angelou tips about success into your roadmap for living a rich, fulfilling life.
So here’s what I want you to do. Pick the one that resonates with you the most and write it down. Stick it on your fridge or mirror, or make it your phone background. Let it be your daily reminder to keep pushing towards your version of success.
Remember, success isn’t just about the big achievements. The little victories count, too. It’s about being true to yourself, lifting others, and never stopping to grow and improve. So go on out there and make Maya proud.
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Feeling overwhelmed? These resources are like a secret weapon for busy moms. From conquering your to-do list to mastering homeschool organization, these guides will help you streamline your life and find more time for what matters. Check them out.
- Conquer Your Week: Busy Mom’s Task Planner
- How to Organize Your Home for Successful Homeschooling
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- How to Reduce Overwhelm by Delegating
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