Holidays and Seasons | Halloween | Itsy Bitsy Spider #Homeschooling Craft Idea

Itsy Bitsy Spider #Homeschooling Craft Idea

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This super easy craft looks like a fun project for your homeschool! Please welcome Crystal to the site!  ~Kelli

I am so excited to be here guest posting on Kelli’s deal site. My name is Crystal and I blog over at Crystal & Co.  I have a passion for sharing solutions and resources with mommy’s. If you check out my site you will find lots of craft ideas as well as easy recipes.

Today I thought it would be fun to share a craft, as well as some additional resources, that can be used to go with the children’s rhyme we are all familiar with- Itsy Bitsy Spider. Over the weekend I sat down with my three littlest boys and we had lots of fun making itsy bitsy spiders. This would be a fun activity to add to your preschool curriculum as well.


  • black washasble finger paint
  • white card-stock
  • glue
  • 2 wiggly eyes for each spider
  • scissors
  • paper plate

Start by squeezing black finger paint onto a paper plate.

Spread it around evenly with your finger (or a spoon or spreader).

Assist your little one while they press their palm in the paint.

Place your little one’s hand on the card-stock and press firmly.

Repeat with the other hand.

You want thumbs pointing up and palms facing each other.

Let the hand prints dry 100%.

Once the prints are dry, you can cut them out.

Add a drop of school glue to the back of two wiggly eyes.

Add the wiggly eyes to the hand prints and you’re done.

So easy and so fun.

Once you’ve sung the rhyme Itsy Bitsy Spider, here are a couple of fun downloads your little ones might enjoy.

  1. Letter S  tracing sheet with spiders.
  2. Itsy Bitsy Spider workbook.
  3. Easy spider counting craft.

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    1. Thanks, Jo! Be sure to let me know how it goes and if you post about it, let me know and I will update this post to also link to yours!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Lindsay! Love Crystal’s Crafts. Hmm… maybe I can get her to do something every week… “Crystal’s Crafts” has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? LOL!

  1. Great craft idea! Small nitpick – leave the thumbs off the paper so the spiders have 8 legs and not 10. It’s never too early to get the details right 🙂 Love the idea – perfect for Halloween too.

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