Educating Our Children | Find the Letter: P is for Peanuts

Find the Letter: P is for Peanuts

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These Find the Letter Printables: P is for Peanuts will help your preschool and early-elementary aged children work on recognizing the letter P among many other letters of the alphabet.

While working on your Comics, Peanuts, or George Washington Carver themed Unit Study, this P themed worksheet is a perfect extra for your reading preparedness studies!  Or, in my case, a great way to keep little boy hands occupied while I am reading to Tank. 🙂

Find the Letter P is for Peanuts

I hope you find these homeschooling freebies useful for you in your homeschool

You can have the kids learn shapes by putting a circle around the capital ‘P’ and a square around the Lower Case ‘p’.  They could use different colors: for example, green around the “big P” and blue around the “little p”.  You could also grab a set of Do A Dot Art Markers Find The Letter: A is for Angels (affiliate link) so they can just dab over the right letters!  However you decide to use these sheets, they are a simple way to reinforce alphabet recognition!

More Peanut Unit Study Resources:

Don’t stop with these two letter find worksheets!  Keep the learning going by adding the printables to an entire Unit Study on Peanuts!  Below, I have gathered up some resources to help you plan and carry-out your Themed Study!

Peanut Unit Study for Homeschooling
  • Learn about The History of Peanuts with this list of resources from Schooling a Monkey.
  • The Jenny Evolution helps us teach our kids about the dangers of peanut allergies with this list of Food Allergy Books for Kids.
  • I love this free printable from Simple Fun for Kids! These Peanut Counting Clip Cards are perfect for your preschool learner!
  • So glad that I am not the only one that thinks of George Washington Carver while thinking of Peanuts!  Our Daily Craft has pulled together a great list of George Washington Carver Books and Resources to help round out our homeschooling Peanut Unit Study!

Shop My Alphabet Printables

Here are some other great learning resources that are in my shop. More alphabet learning fun!

Recipes Using Peanuts and Peanut Butter:

Your kids can learn in the kitchen, too!  Stick to the theme for your weekly snacks and meals!

Peanut Resources for Kids:

Looking for more fun items to help you in teaching your kids about Peanuts, George Washington Carver, and Allergies? Check out my top picks (affiliate links) from Amazon!

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