Find the Letter: N is for Nutrition
These Find the Letter Printables: N is for Nutrition will help your preschool and early-elementary aged children work on recognizing the letter N among many other letters of the alphabet. Nutrition themed worksheet is a perfect extra for your reading preparedness studies!
Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing some free Find the Letter Printables and other resources to help you teach your children learn all about the Alphabet. I hope you find these homeschooling freebies useful for you in your homeschool
You can have the kids learn shapes by putting a circle around the capital ‘N’ and a square around the Lower Case ‘n’. They could use different colors: for example, green around the “big N” and blue around the “little n”. You could also grab a set of Do A Dot Art Markers (affiliate link) so they can just dab over the right letters! For even more fun, grab some parts from the Food Pyramid like nuts or berries and let them use those on their letters. However you decide to use these sheets, they are a simple way to reinforce alphabet recognition!
More FREE Nutrition Unit Study Resources:
- You can also access all of the letter find worksheets here at 3 Boys and a Dog!
- Make a Fun Food Dinosaur from Pears from Brain Power Boy
- Healthy Alternatives to Kids Junk Food for the Outdoors from FrogMom
- How to Reduce Sugar Intake in Kids from Kara Carrero
- Growing Vegetable Soup Inspired Nutrition Activity from Pre-K Pages
- Grocery Shopping Activity from Sunny Day Family
- Healthy Meal Planning with Kids from Schooling a Monkey
- Nutrition App from iGameMom
- Healthy Nutrition Books for Kids from The Jenny Evolution
- Kids Nutrition Activities with Free Printables from Natural Beach Living
- Kid’s Books about Gardening from Our Daily Craft
- Nutritional and Fun Snacks for Kids: Paw Patrol Themed Badge from Crafty Mama in ME
- Vegetable Beginning Sound Clip Cards from Simple Fun for Kids
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