Educating Our Children | Educational iPad Apps For Kids

Educational iPad Apps For Kids

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I downloaded a bunch of history apps onto our iPad mini for my oldest son to try out. I didn’t let him know he was reviewing educational iPad apps for kids because I wanted him to just think he was having fun. He had a choice between seven different apps, and he picked out two different apps that are his favorites.

His first app of choice was JogNog ,which is available for the iPhone and iPad. This app covers all the common core standard and test prep subjects from grades 2-8. It’s basically gives the kid (and even adults) the chance to take quizzes and earn points for them. Then they have the chance to review where they are in rank against other players across the world. With each successful progress on the quiz, they earn a tower to showcase how well they are doing. My son likes it because it’s not a timed game, and he has time to process the information and make an informative decision.

kids educational iPad Apps for History


As a homeschooling parent, I feel this app will definitely help my son prepare for his standardized testing that he will have to take at the end of the year. Plus it lets me see by subjects and topics which areas he’s struggling with. I don’t have to waste time covering topics that he already knows.

The other app that he enjoyed playing was Pearson’s World History Games. This game is very similar to Wheel of Fortune. It presents the user with a question and then they have to choose letters to answer that question. My son enjoys it because he can just select letters and watch the answer form. He gets to read the answer and learn the material.


From a parents point of view, I wouldn’t say that this was my favorite pick from the ones I gave him to choose from. However, I can see why it holds appeal to him. It’s EASY to do. I don’t feel he’ll really honestly and truly learn anything from it. This app is more suited for higher grade levels than my young son. It was still neat to check it out though.

I think this app would be better if it didn’t let you select so many letter options without using the clues. If we had the option to enter in our answers to see if we’re right or wrong that would definitely enhance this app in my opinion. Then if we were wrong we’d have to use another clue.

This is my list of two educational iPad apps for kids in history especially. I am still on a mission to finding more history apps to use that I honestly feel will help my child out.

Do you know of a good history app for kids in elementary school?

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    1. You’re more than welcome. Personally I can’t stand history so I needed something to help make it fun for my kids. I do enjoy certain parts of history, but it’s not the parts that are covered in history books. (Like old marriage traditions, reasons why certain saying came to be, and things along those lines.)

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