Homemaker Tips and Tricks | Work From Home | Blogging Basics: Promoting a Post with Guest Posts (part 2)

Blogging Basics: Promoting a Post with Guest Posts (part 2)

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bloggingbasics guest thumb Blogging Basics:  Promoting a Post with Guest Posts! (part 1)

So, I am curious…. how many posts have you guest posted that led to the one you are wanting to promote?  Did you get any “yes” answers?  Have you even done this part?

Hopefully you pitched some bloggers with your great ideas and have already posted a few out there.  Either way, these tips should help you on your next guest post!

#1 – Always, always include at least 2 links to their own content!  Meaning?  Do a couple searches on the site you are wanting to guest post on, choose a good keyword, and interlink!

#2 – Add one link to YOUR content (you now, that one post you are wanting to promote) and use your keyword!

#3 – Put your blog and social media links in a nice author bio box.

#4 – Include images!  You can’t pin your guest post if you don’t have images.  Find some good images, be sure you can use them, and include them with your guest post.  Be sure to give credit where credit is due!

Don’t forget, the posts that you are trying to pass off as guest posts should be your best content ever!  You are trying to bring in new traffic, not JUST build incoming links!

Now, here’s the deal you need to work to promote those guest posts just as much as you promote your own posts.  Why?  Because that website you just guest posted on has a different audience base than you do.  You could potentially double your traffic!

Sharing is caring!

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  1. Till now i haven’t payed much attention to this possibility so i must say that this would be interesting, but i think i will go for a while since i’m new into observing others.I’ve met some guest posts besize this one.thanks

  2. I’ve never done any guest posting (I feel way too new at this to even think about it yet). But your tips are things I never would have thought of. Thank you! When I’m ready, I’ll definitely come back to this post.

  3. I always include links to my own and others’ content provided the blog where I’m posting permits links. I rarely write content for blogs that don’t and in fact turned down $75 and published a post on my own site because they wanted me to remove all the links – including the link to THEIR content. (Does that make ANY sense at all?)

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