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Bird Nest Craft for Kids

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B is for Birds!

B is for Bird

How’s the weather in your neck of the woods?

Have you gotten a lot of snow yet?  How about cold temperatures?  Sometimes things get so bitter cold around here I wish I was a hibernating or migrating animal too!  Of course, not all the animals head underground or towards warmer climates.  Many of our Pennsylvania birds stick around for the winter, especially if you’ve got bird feeders in the back yard!  This week we decided to talk a little more about birds, using some great resources and printables I’ve found around the web!

Bird Basics

To begin, we talked about basic bird parts using this cool chart I found over Kid Sparkz.

The page has lots of other bird resources like counting pages, coloring pages, puzzles, story starters and more, so be sure to stop over and check it out!   I was planning on using this page to practice counting and “full & empty”, but alas, we ran out of time (like always!).


Books to Read:

We found the book Little Lost Robin at the library before Christmas, but it fit perfectly with this theme so we took some time to read it again.  The book talks about the unlikely friendship between a hare and a robin.  After an especially blustery storm, the hare goes looking for the robin, but only finds an empty nest.  He grows distressed, but soon his little Robin friend returns.  Hare moves the little bird’s tree and nest closer to his den so they can be together all winter.   Lovely pictures and touching story line!

Bird Books to Read

We also read Baby Bluebird, a book we inherited from my sister.  In this book, Winnie the Pooh and his friends find a baby blue bird in her nest, which has fallen from a nearby tree.  Together, they try to discover what to feed the little peeper.  Finally, baby blue bird’s mommy returns and all is once again right with the world.

After reading through the book, we decided to make a little nest like Robin and Baby Bluebird had in the books.  We talked about how birds make nests from scraps of things they find around the yard, so that’s what we did as well.

Birds Nest

Preschool Bird’s Nest

Here What We Used:

  • Leftover salt dough from our Glitter Stars Project
  • Dark brown basket grass
  • Yarn
  • Stick like wood pieces
Bird Nest Supplies

Birds Nest Supplies

Here’s What We Did:

After talking about the various supplies birds use to make a nest, including mud (playdough), I left the girls to their own creations.  They really loved this project and worked for a long time building their nests. One girl even make little eggs to put inside the nest.

2013-01-02 14.18.00

Adding some [basket] grass

String Bird Nest

Now a little string!

Bird Nest and Eggs

Egg for the Nest!

B is for Bird (and Bird Houses!)

We also used parts of this fabulous Bird preschool pack over at 1+1+1 = 1.  The girls especially loved the “B” tracing paper and sorting the birds and bird houses on the chart page.  There are lots of pages in this packet, so be sure to check it out!

More Resources:

About the Author:

Lindsey Whitney is a home day care provider and a  blogger over at Growing Kids Ministry.  Growing Kids Ministry is a blog designed to help parents, teachers, and Children’s Ministry workers who want to help the kids they love grow in their faith.   You can connect with her via twitter or on facebook.

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Tuesday 15th of January 2013

Thanks for stopping by ladies! I'm hope your little ones enjoy it as well!

Mama Bee Does

Tuesday 15th of January 2013

I plan to do the bird nest with my youngest next week. Thanks!


Friday 11th of January 2013

Such a fun project! Hands on learning works wonders.

Cindy @MomMaven

Wednesday 9th of January 2013

Great stuff!! I miss having littles to homeschool!

Lindsay @ Laughing Lindsay

Tuesday 8th of January 2013

This is a wonderful lesson. There's so much learning happening in this one. I love it!