Essential Oils | 4 Effective Essential Oil Recipes for Sleep

4 Effective Essential Oil Recipes for Sleep

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These essential oil recipes for sleep can make a huge difference in the sleep quality of your family. When you find recipes using essential oils that work, that’s a big deal!

In a family, if one person has trouble sleeping, everyone has trouble sleeping. It doesn’t matter if the sleeplessness is the side effect of ADHD or of stress, but a lack of sleep can quickly make your family dynamic drop from good to bad with just one night of bad sleep.

These four essential oil recipes for sleep address four common causes of sleepless nights and are designed to help you relax and sleep well all night long.

You will be amazed at how well these essential oil blends for sleep work!

How Essential Oils Promote Sleep

Essential oils have long been used to affect mood and promote certain feelings or actions. According to a 2014 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, essential oils can be effective at relieving insomnia and promoting a good night’s sleep.

While there are numerous essential oils that have a calming, relaxing, and sleep-promoting effect, studies have found that the most effective essential oils for sleep include lavender, ylang ylang, citrus, clary sage, bergamot, and ginger.

4 Essential Oil Recipes for Sleep That Really Work

These four essential oil recipes for sleep address four common causes of sleepless nights and are designed to help you relax and sleep well all night long.

These four essential oil recipes for sleep are designed to address different causes of sleep problems. Try each blend to determine the right blend for your family’s particular sleep needs.

How to Use

You can either rub the oils with a carrier oil (like coconut oil) on the bottoms of the feet (use this guide to determine how much carrier oil to use), or diffuse three to five drops in a diffuser at night.

Relaxing Essential Oil Recipe

This essential oil recipe for sleep is designed to reduce stress and promote feelings of relaxation.

Add 10 drops of each to an amber essential oils bottle:

If you don’t have all of these oils in your essential oil starter kit, the Calming blend from Rocky Mountain Oils containers all of these ingredients.

Sweet Dreams Essential Oil Recipe

This essential oil recipe is designed to give you restful sleep full of pleasant dreams.

Add 10 drops of each to an amber essential oils bottle:

The Dreamtime blend from Rocky Mountain Oils contains all of these oils in one easy-to-use bottle.

Unwind Essential Oil Recipe

This essential oil recipe is designed to reduce stress and help you enjoy the end of the day without worry.

Add 10 drops of each to an amber essential oils bottle:

If you are missing any of these ingredients, Rocky Mountain Oils carries an oil blend called Peace and Quiet that contains these ingredients.

Calming Essential Oil Recipe

If you’re feeling nervous, anxious, or stressed, try this essential oil recipe for a healthy night’s sleep.

Add 10 drops of each to an amber essential oils bottle:

The Tranquility blend from Rocky Mountain Oils contains all of the ingredients in the calming recipe.

These four essential oil recipes for sleep address four common causes of sleepless nights and are designed to help you relax and sleep well all night long.

Use these four essential oil recipes for sleep to reduce your family’s sleep problems and help everyone sleep calmer and healthier at night. You may be surprised at how much of a difference a few drops of oil can make!

More Essential Oil Recipes:

ADHD Essential Oil Blend for Diffusers

Essential Oil Laundry Detergent Recipe

Thieves Essential Oil Recipe

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