Educating Our Children | Third Grade Spelling Curriculum: Week Five

Third Grade Spelling Curriculum: Week Five

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This list of 15 Third Grade Spelling Curriculum: Week Five words will help your children improve their spelling accuracy and can even expand their vocabulary!

My son hates Spelling, but he loves ot know how to spell. LOL!  He just doesn’t like the act of learning the words.  However, now that we have been doing these worksheets for a few weeks, he has developed the habit and it is one of the first tasks he picks from his folder each day.

Grade Three Spelling Curriculum Week Five

Third Grade Spelling Curriculum: Week Five Word List

  1. upon
  2. thought
  3. strong
  4. story
  5. burst
  6. strip
  7. stream
  8. street
  9. distance
  10. least
  11. hundred
  12. east
  13. object
  14. sum
  15. difference

More Spelling Resources:

Kelli’s Top Spelling Picks:

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