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Protect Your Four-Legged Friend with PetArmor

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This is a sponsored post.  As with all the products I blog about, I use them personally and opinions are my own, I was not influenced in any way by the compensation I received.

When you have pets in your home they become more than pets to you; they become a part of your family. As a valued family member, you want only what’s best for them. With PetArmor you can get just that: the best. PetArmor has a huge range of products to protect your four-legged friend from ticks and fleas, as well as promote joint health, skin/coat health, and overall health in general.


The first set of products I had the privilege to review were Joint Health Soft Chews and PetArmorPro Advanced for both medium and large dogs. The Joint Health Soft Chews were easy for Sadie Girl to take as well as enjoyable for her because they are made from real chicken!  They are a dog owner’s dream come true (something healthy) and a dog’s dream come true (very tasty)! I love them because  they protect her joints so she will be able to be active and play with her best buddies, my kids. PetArmorPro Advanced is perfect for many reasons! It is quick and long lasting. Not only does it kill fleas and ticks, but it also prevents infestations.


Next I had a chance to try PetArmor’s VetTrust Ear Rinse and Antibacterial Antifungal spray. The ear rinse is perfect; it gently cleans away all the dirt and wax. It also has a dual action to kill odor-causing bacteria and yeast.  I was actually surprised how easy it was to use. Sadie Girl sat perfectly still for me while I was cleaning her ear. The Antibacterial Antifungal Spray cleans and disinfects as an aid against bacterial and fungal infections. It also kills bacteria. I loved the fact that it was easy to use and works great.


The last three products were probably my most favorite. Sadie Girl is an outside dog so she tends to get dirty pretty fast. It seems like I can never have enough doggy shampoo. The Antibacterial Antifungal shampoo and Itch & Allergy Shampoo serve dual purposes. Other pet shampoos are for cleaning purposes only.  I used the itch and allergy shampoo because it seemed she was scratching herself a lot lately. I was impressed with how clean it got her and the pleasant scent. (I am not a fan of bad sent!) Finally the last product; Skin and Paw Conditioning Lotion. I don’t know why I didn’t think about using lotions sooner. I use lotions on me when I first get out of the shower, so why not on Sadie Girl? The lotion moisturizes, nourishes, and hydrates your dog’s skin. It also will smooth the dry and rough paws. Sadie Girl was like a new person, well, dog after using PetArmor products. She seemed to be more cheerful and happier. Personally I was able to relax more knowing I was doing what I could to help keep Sadie be happy and healthy…all thanks to PetArmor!

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Crystal W

Sunday 16th of June 2013

I've used the Anit-itch shampoo on my dog and it worked great..I didn't see the lotion when I purchased the shampoo but I'm going to look for it because my poor dog has allergies and skin rashes in the summer time.

Tiffany Borek

Sunday 16th of June 2013

I've always wondered if this really works. I've always used Advantage for my cats. I know that this is cheaper and I will be picking some up the next time they're do to be flead! Thanks for the review!