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NEW SURVEY: Kids Tell Parents What They Really Want for Christmas

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My kids have NEVER had an issue stating their wants.  When Tripp was about 7 he let everyone know loud and clear that he wanted a Legends Car for Christmas.  Well, after a small bit of research and several questions, we learned he meant an ACTUAL Legends Car!  Ha.. too funny.

4555-4 Toys Infographic V2 rev4

Anyway, this year, Walmart conducted a survey to find out what kids and parents really think about toys during the holiday season. Walmart’s Talking Holiday Toys survey found that kids are willing to do almost anything to get what they want for Christmas, 68% of kids said they would clean their rooms daily for a year, while 84% would work hard and give up playtime. But every child has limits, as only 23% of kids would eat spinach for a year to get their holiday toys.

One of the things that kind of blew my mind was:

· Those sneaky kids: Parents are in the dark when it comes to knowing whether or not their kids find their gifts ahead of Christmas. Nearly twice as many kids as their parents say they found their gifts before the big morning (23 percent vs. 14 percent). The top hiding place? The closet.

So, I conducted my own survey on Facebook (and was quite surprised that so few people responded) asking how Parents decide what to buy their kids:


100% of people polled said they just buy whatever regardless of how their kids act!  Wow, right?

What about you?  How do you handle Christmas?

**Information and graphic provided by Walmart.  I also received compensation to conduct my own survey and post the results**

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