Hidden Deindexed | Miller Manor: Rickys Update

Miller Manor: Rickys Update

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Hey everyone.  I am Ricky, Kelli’s husband.  So it has been quite a while since you all have seen a post on Miller Manor.  So, we didn’t make it in the house by Christmas.  We are hoping they can get us in by Kelli’s birthday.  We will see.  We have been real busy getting things going and have a few bumps in the road on the way.  One bump being Kelli breaking her toes.  Oh, how did she do that?  I’ll let you ask her.  It happen a little over a week ago.  When she broke her toes I told her I was going to write a post about Miller Manor to help her out.  Yes it has taken me this long to actually do so.  You will have to excuse my writing skills, I am more of a talker.  I am going to give it a try though.

Miller Manor Rickys Update

Okay, last post was some time ago.  Since then so much has taken place.  Let’s start with up stairs.  Stevie, our painter, and his crew has completed all the paint upstairs.  We went with a tan color through the main rooms and white and gray in the other rooms, like the boy’s bedrooms and bathrooms. The study is white as is the weight room.  Plan is to eventually go in some of the rooms and paint an accent wall.  That project will have to wait for now.  All doors are on the rooms and closets along with all door knobs, thank you to Mr. Chuck and myself for the door knobs being done!  Trim has been put in and painted.


Kenny, our electrician, and his guys completed all the wiring and all light switches have been replaced.  Mr. Chuck put in new light fixtures and ceiling fans throughout the whole second floor.  Kelli, Mrs. Kenny and myself put in all the floors upstairs (Kelli here – to be fair, he actually only did like 2 pieces of the flooring upstairs! LOL!  But, he did like 80% of the downstairs by himself).  That took what seemed like forever.  Well it took a week, but that week put a hurting on all of our backs, hands and knees.  Once it was done though, it was all worth it.  We went with GripStrip flooring in the color teak.  It isn’t what we had originally wanted but we are glad that we used teak instead of a darker color.

Finally the plumbers came and finished hooking up our toilets and sinks in the boys bathrooms.  Upstairs is almost 100% completed.  There is just a few small thing left to do like clean.  I don’t think there is an easy way to get up all the cement dust and popcorn ceiling that we have all over our floors.  Any suggestions?

Oh, I almost forgot, Mr. Joe came in and mudded all of the sheetrock that Mr. Chuck, Rick, Steve and Bob put up.  He also scrapped all the popcorn ceilings.  I am so glad we had that done.  It looks so much nicer and has a clean look to it.  The ceilings do have some texture though.  Mr. Joe sprayed orange peel on to give it just a little texture.

I can’t wait to get in the house.  We received all types of things for Christmas to put in the house.  I received some cool pictures for the “Game Room”.  Thomas got some Minecraft posters and other things for his walls.  Tripp got some Auburn things to put in his room and Zack received some Alabama things for his room.  Hey, I think I am doing good so far!

Let’s move on to the downstairs.  Remember that door in the wall?  Bob really did a great job with putting shelves in it and in the front entry way too.  It is very nice and definitely a conversation piece.

Mr. Joe came in and finished muddling all of the door stairs.  He also scrapped all the popcorn ceilings.  After he was done the paint guys came in and started painting.  Again, we did the main rooms a tan color.  Kelli’s office and the craft room are gray along with the guest bathroom.  The master bedroom and bath are both white along with our humongous closet.  Mr. Chuck and my Papa installed all the lights and ceiling fans.  Again, Kelli, Mrs. Kenny and myself completed all of the floors down stairs.  The electrician did all his wiring and new switches throughout the down stairs.  They also hung all our outside lights.  One thing I wanted outside was lots of dusk ’til dawn lights.  We have six dusk ’til dawn fixtures holding two lights each.  I think they did a good job.

The plumbers came in and hooked up our bathrooms and kitchen.  In our master bath we re-purposed an old shelving unit that was in one of the bathrooms.  I think it goes pretty good in our bathroom.

Now, on to the most incredible room in the house so far, the kitchen.  Kelli had a kitchen in mind when we bought this house and I think she got it.  You might remember that we had to move the whole kitchen to another part of the house because the original kitchen was just too small.  I know earlier Kelli posted a picture of our diagram of the kitchen, but that doesn’t do it justice.  Heck even pictures now don’t do it justice.  You would definitely need to see it in person to really get the full effect of how big and nice it really is.  We went with all white cabinets with a brown, tan and black mix counter top.  The electrician put under cabinet lighting throughout the kitchen and put a light in one of the end cabinets we have that has a glass door.  We have two islands.  Yes two!  Well, I call them both islands.  Kelli says one is an island and the other a work station.  Oh, Kelli just reminded me, we have a small peninsula too.  This kitchen has all the bells and whistles.  We have a mixture shelf, lazy Susan, knife door, appliance bay, adjustable shelves throughout, and many more neat little things.  We have a lot of pantry space with roll out pantry shelves too.  I could go on and on about the kitchen.

Okay, Kelli said I couldn’t be too long so I am going to cut it short for now.  I do want to write more about some other things in the house that are completed or being worked on.  We have so many ideas and just can’t wait to get in and start decorating.  Thanks for hanging in there and reading my ramblings.  Maybe another post by this weekend?  We shall see.

Follow Along as We Renovate Miller Manor!

  1. Day OneBegin Demolition and Doing Doors!
  2. Day TwoGoodbye Ugly flooring!
  3. Days Three & Four – Goodbye Weird Arches and Hello Hidden Door!
  4. Days Five through Nine – Goodbye Tile & Weird Wood Squares!
  5. Days Ten through TwelveSneak Peek at my Kitchen!
  6. Miller Manor Day 36: Over a Month of Renovations!
  7. Miller Manor: Just an Update

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  1. This is such an awesome project you two took on and I am in awe at everything that you have done. I appreciate the popcorn ceiling removal as we did this ourselves this year. Not that hard, but very messy.

  2. Oh no Kelli so sorry to hear about your toes! That must be so painful. I hope you aren’t in too much pain. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

    I am so jealous of your kitchen. It is gorgeous and what I wouldn’t do for an island and a work station! My kitchen is so small I can’t stand it!

    What a sweet husband you have to write a great post about your new beautiful home. Great job Ricky!

    1. Yeah, they hurt and I was stuck in bed on and off painkillers for a couple days, but I was able to get a ton of internet work done then. LOL!

      I am so ready to move in and start cooking in that awesome-sauce kitchen, for sure!

  3. Wow that’s alot of work! I never did hear back about a LTB weekend retreat…I mean conference at Miller Manor. I’ll just assume you’re working out final details for all of us to see the kitchen in person.

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