Recipes | Breads | Kitchen Tips: Bread Machine vs. Traditional Bread Making

Kitchen Tips: Bread Machine vs. Traditional Bread Making

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What makes a bread machine better than traditional bread baking? It is really a matter of choice. It is up to the baker to decide if they would rather have one or the other. Here are some facts to compare the two and decide for yourself.

Technology is not all bad. Just because bread can be baked in a machine doesn’t mean it will taste bad or not be as soft as homemade breads. The main reason to use a bread machine is time savings. You don’t have to stand in the kitchen all day.

But, we’re getting ahead of ourselves here. Keep reading to find out the advantages of both and see what you think. Be sure to check out my 40+ Bread Machine Recipes!


Advantages of the bread machine

We let part of the cat out of the bag on this one. As we alluded to above, bread machines will save time. If you don’t have hours to wait for bread to rise, knead it and then shape it into a loaf in the pan, then you can use a bread machine that can do that for you.

A bread machine is also programmable. This means that you can do a variety of things with it. For instance, if you don’t want to bake the bread right away, then you can purchase a bread machine that can stop the cycle after the kneading. Now you can remove your finished dough and freeze it. If you want to make rolls, you can divide your dough and add it to baking cups.

Bread machines make it easy to vary the size of the bread to be baked. It will give you all the instructions you need to adjust the size and produce a bigger loaf if you need to. With the various features, you can bake your bread overnight so it is fresh and ready in the morning for breakfast.

Anyone can make bread with a bread machine if they can follow directions. You can vary with texture and taste with traditional recipes depending on the skill of the baker. With a bread machine, the skill is built in.

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Bread machines are safe to use. Many have safety shut off features so you don’t have to worry about a power surge causing damage to your bread machine or the bread. And, if you fall asleep, don’t worry. The machine can handle the baking and your bread will be perfect when you wake.

Advantages of traditional bread baking

If you have baked bread before then you know the process. And, you also have the ingredients on hand. You can get started right away. Depending on the bread machine recipe and the machine itself, you may have to spend money on products to use for it to get started making your bread.

There are more advantages to making bread using a bread machine. If you like the feel of traditional bread and don’t mind the time involved, it is still an option.

Bread machines can make baking easier. Know what features you need in yours so that you buy the proper one for your home.

Over the next few weeks, I will be bringing you several kitchen tips to help you use your bread machine to its full potential.

Use these tips to make this Easiest Breadmachine Sandwich Bread!

In case you missed the previous Bread Maker Series Posts:

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  1. Nice post. I like both. I use my machine until I tire of it. I put it away and make other bread. When I tire of that, I pull out my machine again. I love the convenience of the machine, but I like to learn the “feel” of the dough.

  2. I have a bread machine {which used to be my Dad’s}, but haven’t used it yet, I also never bake traditional bread as I have a problem with my hands. Thank you for setting this straight, I really thought the bread machine will give it a funny {for lack of a better word} taste. Pinned – from the Pin Me party 🙂

  3. I’ve wondered about this for a long time. Off and on, we think about buying a bread machine, and then we don’t. Honestly, after reading this, I think that a bread machine might be for me. I tend to not make bread at all because of the time factor. Also, my husband and I are both losing weight, and homemade bread is so tempting!

    Right now, we are using lower calorie rounds, when we do have bread. Once we reach our weight goals, I would like to get back to having healthier bread, and to be able to control the ingredients.

    Thanks for answering a lot of questions that I’ve had!

  4. These posts came at just the right time! I’ve been tossing up the idea of getting a bread maker & wanted some unbiased guidance! I followed you from the link party at Lady Behind the Curtain. Also, I’d like to invite you to come link up with me at my link party! I’d love it if you could stop by & link up some of your recipes! Here’s the link:

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