Family Fun and Games | Reading Fun | Books for Boys: Make Reading Fun

Books for Boys: Make Reading Fun

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These Books for Boys are all about ways to make reading fun for boys! Every great book listed below will help your son work on their reading skills and increase their reading time as well. We have so many great book recommendations for all ages!

These fun books for boys are a great way to make guys loving reading and also help reluctant readers find their favorite book or book series. This list will help your child choose great books during elementary, middle school, and beyond.

grab some of these fun books for boys

Getting a child to read starts with picture books and grows with them as they grow. My son loved to read and we were always on the hunt at the local library for books. Now my guy reads a lot of different books than he used to when he was a 14 year old but he still gobbles up the books! With a giant list of reading materials, this is a great list for young readers to choose books that boys love.

At what age do boys start reading?

This will vary depending on their development but typically boys are visually stimulated and that means that if it isn’t a picture book, they need the words to paint the picture for them.

How long should kids ready daily?

30 minutes of reading is a great start, and the more reading that they can do, the better! Reading is a building block to other levels of learning.

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books for boys make reading fun for our guys

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Books for Boys

These books for boys are tried and true, boy-tested books to keep your guy entertained and increase his reading!

Books for Boys ages 6-8

Obviously, you know boys of this age like monsters, space, and vehicles.  These books are right up their alley with easy to read words for our newer readers!

Books for Boys ages 9-12

At this age, our boys would rather be playing the gaming systems or playing outside, but we need them to read.  Turn off the Xbox on rainy days and hand them a book - a book that they will really love!

Books for Boys ages 13-15

By now, they are seriously into texting and zombie things - stimulate their interest with some sci-fi in book form!

Which of these books for boys do you think your son is going to start with?

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  1. Fellow boy mom here (though mine are still just toddlers)! I love book recommendations for boys! I enjoy reading and want them to fall in love with it, too. If that means reading about bugs and cars for the next few…so be it 🙂 Though my oldest is fond of stories and will let me read most anything to him, as long as it has pictures!
    Here from the Sharefest!

  2. Just ordered a few of these for my boys from our library. My middle son LOVES to read but my other two are very reluctant readers… maybe these books will motivate them.

  3. Interesting list, but your initial comment threw me off a bit. I am a mother to a boy that loves to read, married to a grown up boy that loves to read, and teach a class full of little boys who love to read….just for the fun of it! None of them require more than a great storyline to find a book they love! In fact, in my house it is my daughter that I have to force to read. Boys and girls will decide their passion for books determined on the books they are exposed to, not their gender.

    1. Looks like I lost my train of thought and didn’t go back and read 🙂 With 3 active boys and a chatty husband, I tend to just put periods even when my whole thought isn’t written. 😉 I have edited the post. 🙂

    2. I just finished reading Boys Adrift by Leonard Sax, and he says that statistically, boys are reading more now than ever before, but teenagers are reading way less, choosing video games over reading. Interesting fact.

  4. Thanks for this list. You are soooo right, my son is definitely visually stimulated. He is enjoying reading a ton of Calvin and Hobbes and Diary of a Wimpy Kid books because of the cartoons. I am happy to encourage his love of reading any way I can.

  5. Great list of books for the little guys. I saw you added a few that I’d personally read as a kid and know my nephews would enjoy them. Thanks for sharing and thanks for linking up with us at Tell Me About It Tuesday! I hope you hop over again next week.

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