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Blogging Basics: Getting It All Done (What My Days Look Like)

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I had a great question on my Facebook page the other day from a reader asking me what my general day looks like.  I think the below picture describes it pretty well:


HA!  Seriously, I spent years going from planner to planner from system to system and not getting organized.  No one thing worked for me – no system fit the many things I have to do as a Mom, Blogger, Wife, etc etc.  Plus, I tend to get a bit lazy.  I do certain things on certain days every single week… but I have so much going on in my life that I can’t remember those things unless they are written down.  So, I created my own planner and have been amazed at how much better things are for me!

I still sometimes need to break out my “Gotta Get Caught Up” printable – like now when I am returning from vacation. 🙂

So, I can tell you what I do but unless it is created specifically for you, it isn’t going to help you.

I wake up no later than 6:30 every morning (note, my alarm for the summer is set at 6 – for the school year it is set at 5).

Before leaving my bedroom, I complete my morning routine:

  • Face, teeth, hair, and potty.
  • Then, I get dressed and if my husband has gotten up I make the bed… if not, then he gets to do it (aka it doesn’t get made.  Sue me)  On my way out of my bedroom, I grab our dirty clothes and take them to the laundry room.  My husband starts a load of laundry every morning.  SO, I don’t need to worry with that.
  • Into the Kitchen to make my protein shake.  I also wash a load of dishes – we do not have a dishwasher and it seems no matter what, there are always dishes in the sink).
  • I take my shake into my office and begin my day.  This is sometimes by 6 am but unless I am sick, it is no later than 7 am – 7 days a week.
    Now, I have started my work day.  I will stay at this computer without getting up for about 4 hours – this changes depending on what time I get up and what day of the week it is – but it between 9 and 10 am.

Those first 4 work hours are spent in approximately this order:

  • Scroll through emails for anything that HAS to be responded to right away and respond
  • Check editorial calendar to plan my day
  • Flip to new planner page – copy any unfinished items from the day before onto the new day – check pre-printed tasks in the planner
  • Set timer for 15 minutes and scroll through Facebook <– the timer keeps me from getting sidetracked and sucked in
  • Write posts for the 8 am slots if not already scheduled.  If they are already scheduled, I spend a bit of time working on new posts <– approximately 1 hour
  • Check email for any new or pending digital orders and work through them
  • I also do a few 15 minute timers of cleaning out my emails and working through my to do list

By 9 or 10 (the 4 hour mark) my body hurts and I have to get up.  I get up and fold & flip laundry, do more dishes, get a snack and drink, potty, start supper if necessary, do a bit of housework, make phone calls, etc.  This typically takes me a couple hours.

Around 12:30 or 1 I head back to my computer for a couple hours working on research, future posts, scheduling social media posts, responding to emails, and working through that to do list.  I stick with this for a couple hours and then I call it a day!

Granted, I will go back to my computer through the evening several times for a few minutes to check email, approve comments, etc but my work day is basically done – unless I am behind like now thanks to my 15 day vacation. LOL!

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