Homemaker Tips and Tricks | Cleaning | Over 10 Back to School Cleaning Hacks!

Over 10 Back to School Cleaning Hacks!

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The first day of school is right around the corner!  That means it is time to get the house prepared for this busy season!  From new clothes to school supplies.  From homework stations to a family calendar.  When school starts, the schedules get busy and the only way to keep from being overwhelmed is to have everything in order!  Clean First for the Best Finish this school year! You’ll love these cleaning tips and tricks!

Back to School Cleaning Hacks

Back to School Cleaning Hacks!

Don’t let dinner time catch you unawares!  Print out a few back to school themed menu planning printables to help you stay organized.

When school is in session, my kids eat TV Dinners and Ramen Noodles as afternoon snacks.  So, my microwave gets a work-out.  This is the best plan I have found for how to clean your microwave.

I am loving these back to school organization ideas from Spaceships and Laserbeams!

Clean first for the best finish this back to school season with these 9 Cleaning Tips from the Pros!

A Command Center will help you keep all those incoming papers and responsibilities corralled in an organized fashion.

As you prepare the kid’s clothing, be sure to clean it first!  Avoid all the harsh chemicals with this Homemade Laundry Detergent.

It is time to go through the linen closet getting rid of expired things, ratty towels, and old bedding.  These tips will help you minimize the time it takes to clean out and organize your linen closet.

Give your kids a clean start with their binders this year.  If you start them off right, they will finish right. 🙂  Here are a few ideas for organizing those school binders.

Enlist those kids before they head back to school.  If you teach them to clean first, then you are raising great adults! 🙂

These homeschool organization hacks are perfect for homeschoolers and afterschoolers!

Out with the old and in with the new – these kids’ closet organizing ideas will help you sort through old clothes to make way for the new one.

Create an adorable homework station to keep supplies handy and make doing homework slightly less boring. 🙂

Your home isn’t the only thing that should be cleaned first for the best finish!  When the Fall sports season starts up, your kids will inevitably get hurt.  With Puracyn® Plus Clean Start, you will put your new knowledge into effect – Clean First for the Best Finish! Plus, you can save $3.00 off your next purchase.

Win a 250 dollar gift card to clean first for the best finish

Enter the Puracyn® Plus Clean Start Sweepstakes on the Puracyn Plus Facebook page for the chance to win one of four $250 gift cards to help you get started with your clean start project!

More Back to School Resources:

For more clean start tips for the best finish, visit Puracyn Plus on the web at www.puracynplus.com and LIKE the brand on Facebook.

This is a product-provided, sponsored conversation that contains affiliate links. All opinions, text and experiences are my own.


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