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A Birthday Letter to My Oldest Son…

Sharing is caring!

I was 19 and absolutely terrified with the “bundle of joy” that came.  Wow, your Daddy and I thought we grew up quickly when we found out we were pregnant and got married during the University Spring Break – but that was nothing until you came!  We were just playing at being a family until November 9, 1999!  What a way to start a day!  6:12 am – I think that was the very last time you willingly started your day early. LOL!

Read this Ulitmate Birthday Party Guide for more ideas!

Happy Birthday To My Oldest Son

Oh Son, you are my first born – you will always be the one that we “test Parenting” on.  You will always be expected to be “more” than your little brothers – Smarter, Kinder, Stronger, Richer, More Compassionate, More Responsible, just more.  Luckily, you have a good portion of that down pat!

We knew you were going to be strong when you climbed out of your baby bed before you were a year old! To this day, I have no clue how you got out!  We heard a boom and a cry – running into your room, there you were… on the floor of your bedroom!

We knew you were going to be tough when you climbed your shelves and the only sound that came from your room was the crash of them as they toppled over. Luckily, you were fine!  I was terrified to pull those shelves off you, but you were sitting in a ball inside a shelf with a big grin on your face!

We knew you were going to be creative when you developed your imaginary friends – but we really knew how loyal a friend you were going to be when we had to turn around and drive 5 miles back to pick them up because they had gotten out of the car when we were not looking!

We knew you were going to be smart when (at 2) you came into the living room crying about “The Tomatoes in Idaho Killing EZER-BODYYY!”  You weren’t watching Cartoons, you were watching the Weather Channel – 2 years later you would spend hours on the internet researching storms and predict where the next one would hit – with amazing accuracy, BTW! You totally called the snow, Son – you said it would snow at Christmas (yes in Southern Alabama) and lo-and-behold… it did!

We knew you were going to be a car aficionado when your first word was “Dale”.  Yes, as in Earnhardt!  You are not only into racing, but the way the cars work.  You were even featured in Racing News Digest at 9 years old because of a prediction you made about the Pit Crew (or something like that) for Dale, Jr.

We knew you were going to be funny when you started telling jokes.  Oh, they were not funny but you thought they were hilarious!

  • “Trucks!  What’s up with that?  Do ya’ get it, ya’ get it?  Huh?
  • “CARS!  What’s up with that?”
  • “What’s yellow & what flies?  Peanut Butter!!  HA HA HA!

Thankfully, your jokes make sense now… well to people with an above average IQ. Ha!

We knew you were going to be like your Momma when you started eating solids.  Yes, slightly impatient you are… we would put the spoon in your mouth and before we could get it down to the jar and back up to your mouth, you would be crying. LOL!

We knew you were going to be like your Daddy when you started going to your Nana’s & Grammy’s to help them with everything – Women are like Gold to you.  Like him, you treat all of us like we are better than anything else.  I remember when you were very small telling us that is was “against the law for boys to hurt girls” and honestly, you still act that way.

A Letter to My Oldest Son

I can go on and on with the memories that we have made with you the last 14 years.  I can list all your qualities, good and bad.  I can go on and on about what a handsome young man you have become… but let’s be real – you are getting annoyed by this letter already.   I love you Son!  Stay strong and stick with your values – do NOT change your sweet & kind way with those you care about.  Which reminds me –  I am so glad you are past the “don’t hug Mom & Dad” stage already.

Love, Mom

P.S.  Quit letting the “stupid people” annoy you!  HA!  I can’t wait to see what the next year brings…

Sharing is caring!

Kim @ LiaH

Saturday 16th of November 2013

Oh wow Kelli - how cool is it that both of our eldest boys were born in November 1999? Jonathan celebrated his 14th birthday today and I put the finishing touches on his birthday post this morning! Was just popping in on Facebook and saw your post about your son's birthday! Happy Birthday to him! Jonathan's is here -

Kelli Miller

Monday 25th of November 2013

TY! I missed you, you just disappeared on me.

Susan Arnold De Bow

Saturday 9th of November 2013

Ok, so I just had to go and read it. Now, I am crying... and laughing. Such cute stories! Your love for him shows through every single word. :-)