Owning a Pet | 20 Reasons Why You Should Adopt a Pet!

20 Reasons Why You Should Adopt a Pet!

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There is definitely no right from wrong when choosing your new fury companion but with the increasing problem of canine and feline over-population rapidly growing (not just in the UK but all over the world) it is certainly advisable to consider taking a visit to a shelter and adopting a pet – as opposed to going to a breeder.

Here are 20 more reasons why you should consider adopting:

1. First and foremost, adopting a pet is a lot cheaper and your money goes to a good cause.

clip_image0022. Most shelters and adoption centers will have animals which have received full medical attention and been spayed / neutered, micro chipped and up-to-date with all their vaccines which will save on your quotations for multi-pet insurance plans.

3. Shelters are a great place to visit when you’re not sure on the type of animal / breed you are after.

4. There will be fully qualified staff available to help answer any questions you might have as to how to look after your new fury friend.

5. Many animals will be already home trained and will know the basic commands.

6. Adopting a pet from a shelter will open the cage for another pet who is in need of a new home.

7. An adult pet takes the guess for their full size, winter coat and energy level.

8. Support and after care is usually offered for the initial adjustment period.

9. Shelters are more concerned with finding a suitable owner rather than selling the pets for profit.

10. Adopting a fury companion is a great lesson in compassion for you (and your children.)

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11. Cuddling a pet has been proved to lower your blood pressure and reduce anxiety.

12. Adult pets will be used to a routine of being awake in the day and sleeping in the night.

13. Mixed breeds are unique compared to purebreds and usually have less genetically inherited health problems.

14. Your new companion will make a great alarm clock in the morning.

15. A pet can help keep away all the nasty critters away in your house/apartment.

16. Your bed will be pre-warmed on cold winter nights. They can also be great for lap warmers.

17. You’ll never need to sweep the crumbs of the kitchen floor again.

18. Your new pet will be grateful for the second chance they have been given and will love you forever.

19. They will make you laugh and soon become your new best friend.

20. And last but not least – adopting cuts down on the number of animals that are euthanized every year – which means if you choose to adopt, you’re saving a life.

Sian Booker is a freelance content writer from London. Her passions include art, fashion photography and of course, her beloved pet cats Sammy and Alice.

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One Comment

  1. Great article. Point 18 (being grateful) was the first thing I thought of. The mini schnauzer we adopted as an adult always seemed to be so grateful to be in our home. One the other hand, the dogs we’ve gotten as puppies have all turned into spoiled brats (we still love them of course).

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