Thank Your Dog with These 7 DIY Dog Treats!
During this time of year, many of us stop and think about what we’re thankful to have. But how many of us are thankful for our pets?
If you’re a dog owner like I am, you probably feel grateful for your dog every single day. This year, though, we want to show our thankfulness to our four-legged friends with one or all of these 7 DIY Dog Treats!
So I’m joining Purina this Thanksgiving by supporting the National Dog Show with #DogThanking! This program is all about sharing why we dog owners are thankful for our pups!
Read on to see why I’m thankful for my dog this year. Plus, get 7 yummy DIY dog treat recipes you can use to say “thank you” to your dog!
Why I’m Thankful for My Dog This Year
She’s funny. When I’m in a need of a laugh, I only have to look for Annie. She never fails to make me smile with her antics.
She’s affectionate. Dogs are so loving and affectionate. If I’m having a bad day, I can pick her up and get all the hugs and kisses I need.
She’s loyal. Annie has always been loyal to me. No matter what’s going on in my life, I can count on her. And that makes me incredibly grateful to have her in my life.
She’s a reminder. Annie is a Hurricane Katrina Rescue – my Father-in-Law rescued her and her siblings from a destroyed Mobile Home. When we look at her or feed her or hold her, we are reminded of his selflessness and kindness. He is gone from us now, but his love lives on in her.
7 DIY Dog Treats for Your Pet
If you want to show your dog just how much you love him, make a batch of these delicious DIY dog treats! Your dog may even thank you in return!
These Homemade Dog Bone Treats only have four ingredients, so you can whip them up in a hurry! And the peanut butter will definitely catch your dog’s attention!
Do you want to stick with all-natural ingredients? Try these Salad Treats with Yogurt Glaze for a healthy and yummy snack for your pup!
What dog doesn’t love bacon? These Bacon Dog Biscuits use real bacon drippings for a treat your dog can’t refuse!
Want to make a huge batch of treats at once? This Homemade Dog Biscuit recipe makes five dozen treats, so you can serve some now and save some for later!
If you’re looking for a versatile recipe, these Homemade Dog Treats can be made in three different flavors: Peanut Butter Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, and Apple Carrot.
Get into the spirit of the season and bake Gingerbread Dog Biscuits! This recipe uses molasses, cinnamon, and ginger, so your home will smell heavenly as they bake!
Make your dog’s day by combining her favorite tastes in these Homemade Peanut Butter Bacon Dog Treats! These also look lovely, so they make a wonderful doggie gift!
They’ll love having these Homemade Dog Treats for when you want to spoil them!
Why are you thankful for your dog? How does your pup make your life better? Purina wants to hear your Dog Thanking stories online!
Are you thankful for your dog? Does he make your life better? @Purina wants 2 know! #DogThankingIn this season of gratitude, don’t forget to thank your four-legged friends! And be sure to share your #DogThanking stories online with Purina!
Thanks for the reminder to always be thankful for our dogs! They are the best!
Totally going to try the peanut butter bacon treats, I think my dog will love them!