Holidays and Seasons | Back to School | School Fonts: Free for Back to School {Blogging Basics}

School Fonts: Free for Back to School {Blogging Basics}

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Are you ready for back to school?  These School Fonts: free for back to school will help you with writing blog posts, creating worksheets, and making scrapbook pages! Be sure to check out my Craft Guides and How Tos!

From dashed fonts to help with handwriting to adorable kid-looking fonts, they are sure to help you and spice up your digital craft game!

back to School Fonts

With our society becoming more and more image driven, we have to blog with that in mind!  That means more pretty pictures that tell the story – just enough of the story to get people to click and visit.  

An easy way to do that is to add a few words to an awesome picture!  You can also create tons of fun memes to share on Facebook (and increase that Facebook fan page interaction) if your font collection is plentiful.  

All of the following back to school inspired fonts are FREE, so add them to your computer to help you jazz your next party, printable, or image right on up!  

School Fonts Free for Back to School

Kids’ Scrawl

Learning Curve Dashed

Type Wrong

Sketch College

Child Blocks

Print Dashed

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Apple Antics

Block Letters Tryout


SBC Preschool

Baby Blocks

More Image Driven Blogging Tips:

For more tips about using images to increase your page views and increase that click-through rate, be sure to watch the following recorded hangouts:

Also, if you are a blogger, be sure to join our 4000+ members in the LearntoBlog, Hangouts Facebook Group!

Make Your Own Fonts:

If you are anything like me, you love coloring and lettering.  The following Amazon affiliate links are my recommendations for learning to draw creative lettering!

Also, I have been making my own adult coloring pages recently.  I learned how via some classes that I took over at Skillshare.

Sharing is caring!

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