We have a busy week this week since my husband’s haunted trail starts on Tuesday. Well, Tuesday they are having a dry run and the thing doesn’t officially start until Thursday, but still. 🙂 So, I am going to be running this house on my own through Halloween. LOL! I am making dinner easier since …
In The Kitchen
Are you ready for Thanksgiving? I am not really. I am so far behind on everything that I kind of had an anxiety attack when I realized that Thanksgiving is next week! YIKES! LOL! Anyway, since the weather is cooler, you will notice that change in my menu plan. We get more foods that …
I have a SUPER busy day and kind of a busy week, but I am still trying some new things. I mean, a girl can only eat the same things over and over for a few weeks before getting bored. Ok, on to my menu plan for this week: Monday: Pizza night (Totino’s will save …
This is going to be one of those weeks! I am going out of town this weekend and need to get as much done before-hand as possible. But, I woke up feeling a bit icky, the boys were running late, and Tank was up half the night. Yeah, this is a great start to this …
Wow… October 1st! It is time to start making extra meals and time declutter things around the house. Seriously, October is a super busy month for us. It is when I plan my Holiday gift guide, when I start cooking extras, when I get the bulk of my Christmas shopping finished if it isn’t already …
It is October 1st! Can you believe it? Where has my year gone? Arggh! LOL! Anyway, I love Fall – while we don’t really have changing leaves or have to worry about snow, it does get nice and crisp down here on the gorgeous Gulf Coast. We switch from shorts to long pants and can …
So, we are nearing the end of the month and that means that our pantry and freezer are thinning out. So, the meals we are having this week will be pretty cheap meals using up the stuff in the cabinets. Crystal and Company wrote an amazing ebook that shows you how to meal plan! …
Have you ever gone on vacation for a long time and eaten out pretty much every meal? That is how I feel we have done the past 2 weeks. We have fabulous friends that have helped us through this difficult time, but I am ready to get back to really cooking. Not just repurposing leftovers, …
All of my darling children went off to school this morning. I am sure as the days stretch into each other, I will be doing baking again. SO, you can expect to see some of my goodies on this blog. YUM! Ok, on to my menu plan for this week: Monday: Taco Bake – …
Week two of school and I already have one home sick. This was one thing I was worried about with sending my kids to school. Thomas is my “sickly” child. He has asthma and everything that he gets from a runny nose to a low-grade fever settles in his chest and has to be treated …