Get Organized in Two Weeks and Stay that Way!
Many moons ago I met a person online name April Perry. To be honest, I can’t remember exactly how we “met” or how it came about, but we did. Then, this past August we met in real life at BlogHer! So exciting for me!! I wish I had more time to sit down and chat with her, but I was there with Tropicana and PepsiCo and was running from one end of that place to the next! It was more of a “hi and how are ya gotta go” thing. Anyway, April is the founder of the most awesome program! If you have never heard of GTD, then you are living in a case. Anyway, April took the concept of GTD and turned it into the best organizational program for Moms that I have ever seen… and I have seen a TON!
Anyway.. side-tracked much? Sorry about that! Ok, so April came up with Mind Organization for Moms (M.O.M.) and it has turned into a massive thing that has been featured on several news and Mothering Channels. I have used her system off and on since 2010 and it has really helped! Many of my readers and blog buddies always say,
Kelli, I have no idea how you manage to stay afloat with all the things you do!
Well, this is how! I try to stay organized. Unfortunately, I am a bit ADHD so I don’t stick to it as well as I should and spend lots of time catching back up, but with her simple advice I can do it. April and the Power of Moms now has a two week program to help you get organized in two weeks. Seriously! I am doing it! Day one was about email. She gives you the steps necessary to tackle your inboxes. Thank goodness, it wasn’t too bad because I have been riding the wagon pretty well lately… But, I did take 277 emails down to 99.
Before 2010, I had literally thousands of emails in my inbox at any given time and no clue what to do about wading through them. I spent hours on email and never seemed to accomplish anything. My system is a bit different than hers, but it is the same concept and it works for me. Anyway, below you will see images from my computer of my inbox when I started the 2 week program and my inbox at the time of writing this post!
The drafts folder houses lots of information that I need to get my hands on quickly like the winner notification email for my giveaways, my blogging stats, and product feature inquiries. Since taking the screen shot, I have gone through that folder and deleted no longer applicable emails and narrowed it down to 16.
As the first week progressed, I really started pulling papers and emails out of hiding places and tackling those items. I got back on track and have been back to my typically organized self for a little bit now. Here are some more pictures:
Above, you can see the computer workstation and one of my piles, then the workstation after! That pile came from papers around the house. I cleaned off counters and the entry way shelves and my dining table. You will see more piles in the below pictures.
This is my writing desk before and after. You can see my newest See Jane Work box. This one houses all my projects that I am working on. So, when I have time, I swivel my chair around and pull out and envelope. The desk isn’t 100% complete because I have some mail and things to still go through… that box is pretty much just items I still need to review. I am plugging away to get that box emptied ASAP. Then, I will stick it elsewhere instead of right there. I have it there right now so I can’t get side tracked. LOL!
I have made it through a few days of this system and already feel like I am back to where I should be! My plan is to have that writing station 100% cleaned off by the time my two weeks are up. S
Stay tuned! After I complete my two weeks, I will be giving away this awesome program!
Your office looks awesome!
And have I mentioned I really need to tackle my inbox?